

China’s Bid to Lead the World in AI 

China’s Bid to Lead the World in AI 

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Huey-Meei Chang.

Samsung Reports a 10-fold Increase in Profit as AI Drives Rebound in Memory Chip Markets

Samsung Reports a 10-fold Increase in Profit as AI Drives Rebound in Memory Chip Markets

By Associated Press
Samsung projected the memory chip market to remain strong in the coming months, driven by the expansion of generative AI technologies.
AI Chips for China Face Additional US Restrictions

AI Chips for China Face Additional US Restrictions

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
China has criticized the latest round of new rules by saying that it will “disrupt the international semiconductor market as well as cooperation among enterprises.” 

Zypl.ai: Spearheading AI-Driven Financial Innovation and Regional Integration in Central Asia

Zypl.ai: Spearheading AI-Driven Financial Innovation and Regional Integration in Central Asia

By Khiradmand Sheraliev
The potential for AI to bring about closer regional integration lies in its ability to address some of the traditional barriers to economic cooperation.

Australia Leaps into AI Without a Working Safety Net

Australia Leaps into AI Without a Working Safety Net

By Jayson Lamchek
A partnership with Microsoft will trial the use of AI within the Australian Public Service, even while safety policies are still being developed.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

South Asia’s Nuclear Dilemma in the Age of the Intelligent Bomb

South Asia’s Nuclear Dilemma in the Age of the Intelligent Bomb

By Trisha Ray
Whatever the intent behind a certain technology in nuclear systems is, it is the perception of that capability that will drive the response of other states.

What Does the US-China AI Rivalry Mean For Southeast Asia?

What Does the US-China AI Rivalry Mean For Southeast Asia?

By Jun-E Tan
Escalating superpower tech competition will force governments in the region to make some tough choices.
Can a Military Be Both Accountable and Environmental?

Can a Military Be Both Accountable and Environmental?

By Jacob Parakilas
Militaries can be made greener or they can have more human control. They probably can’t be both.

Emerging Military Technologies and a Future Taiwan Strait Conflict

Emerging Military Technologies and a Future Taiwan Strait Conflict

By Ankit Panda
How will changes in military technology bear on a potential near-future U.S.-China conflict?

Is an “Alliance of Alliances” Around AI Feasible?

Is an “Alliance of Alliances” Around AI Feasible?

By Jacob Parakilas
The newly released final report of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence is rich in recommendations. But operationalizing them may be trickier.

The Foundations of an Inclusive, Tech-Enabled Economic Recovery in Asia

The Foundations of an Inclusive, Tech-Enabled Economic Recovery in Asia

By Antony Cook
New technologies could help foster an inclusive post-pandemic recovery in Asia – if the region's governments can get it right.
Airborne AI: Not a Game Changer Yet

Airborne AI: Not a Game Changer Yet

By Jacob Parakilas
The Agile Condor system is a promising leap toward artificially intelligent combat drones, though many challenges remain before such systems are deployed.

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