
Andrew Robb

Foreign Donations, Local Politics: China's Australia Influence

Foreign Donations, Local Politics: China's Australia Influence

By Ed Kennedy
Australia's foreign donation scandal exposes long-term strategic challenges.

Australia Due for a Cabinet Shake-up After Scandals, Resignations

Australia Due for a Cabinet Shake-up After Scandals, Resignations

By Mina Pollmann
Scandals, sackings, and run-of-the-mill retirements mean Malcolm Turnbull will have to fill his Cabinet with new faces.
After Hawaii, What Issues Remain for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks?

After Hawaii, What Issues Remain for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks?

By Shom Sen
Negotiations have a number of challenges to overcome if they are to finalize a deal.

China Deals Up Pressure On TPP

China Deals Up Pressure On TPP

By Anthony Fensom
Beijing’s latest agreements leave the Trans-Pacific Partnership at risk of losing relevance.

Australia’s Korean Trade Opportunity

Australia’s Korean Trade Opportunity

By Helen Clark
The Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement takes effect today, with considerable potential for Australia’s farmers.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Australia and China: Free and Friendly Trade

Australia and China: Free and Friendly Trade

By Helen Clark
Australia and China have announced a comprehensive free trade agreement.

Japan Can’t Ratify the TPP This Year

Japan Can’t Ratify the TPP This Year

By Clint Richards
Despite positive spin from his allies, Abe cannot afford the TPP’s political backlash.
An Australia-China FTA in 2014?

An Australia-China FTA in 2014?

By Kevin Placek
The two governments appear to be moving closer to agreement on several key issues.

Australia and Chinese Investment

Australia and Chinese Investment

By Kevin Placek
How big an investor in Australia is China, really?

Australia and Japan Conclude Free Trade Deal

Australia and Japan Conclude Free Trade Deal

By Anthony Fensom
After seven years of negotiation, the two countries have concluded a ‘historic’ Economic Partnership Agreement.

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