
Understanding China’s Arctic Policies
China is playing a prudent long game in the region, with economics the driving factor.

The Creeping Militarization of the Arctic
By Abhijit Singh

Asia Eyes The Arctic
By Page Wilson

Wikipedia Refuses to Comply with China’s Censorship
Plus, a Chinese cargo ship attempts to transverse the Arctic route to Europe. Monday China links.

China's Arctic Strategy
Since gaining Arctic Council observer status, China has been quick to move on its interests.

China Makes A Play For Arctic Oil
Plus, the National Security Agency’s extensive espionage operations against China unveiled. Tuesday China links.

Canada Needs a Strategic Rethink
The Canadian Armed Forces continue to be Atlantic heavy even as Ottawa’s interests are increasingly in the Pacific.

Norway's Arctic Power Play, Asia Dream
Could climate change and a receding polar ice cap open new opportunities for Norway in Asia?

America's AirSea Battle, Arctic Style
James Holmes on why the Coast Guard and Air Force might become the military’s “odd couple” in defending America’s Arctic front.

Breaking the Ice: China's Emerging Arctic Strategy
China’s interests in the Arctic are growing. Nations like Canada and the United States should take notice.

Exploiting the Arctic
The Arctic’s Northeast Passage is likely to become increasingly traversable. But who will make the rules?

U.S. to Get New Icebreaker
The U.S. has one of the smallest icebreaker fleets of all the nations with Arctic borders. Is that set to change?