arms exports

No, India Isn’t a ‘Major Non-NATO Ally’ of the United States
By Krzysztof Iwanek
It’s important to get the terminology right in the U.S.-India defense relationship.

JF-17 vs HAL Tejas: New Competitors on the Military Block
By Kabir Taneja
The Pakistani and Indian fighter jets are set to compete in markets around the world.

Failure to Communicate: Will Japan Fall Behind on Australia's Collins-replacement Contract?
By Ankit Panda
Japan has the finest product on offering, but savvy PR pitches from its French and German competitors may edge it out.
China Topples Germany in Arms Exports
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Two thirds of Chinese arms exports went to just three countries.

Explaining Southeast Asia’s Force Buildup
By Matthew Ribar
Balancing alone does not explain the build-up of conventional military assets in Southeast Asia.

Russia’s Strategic Pakistan Play
By Saurav Jha
It decision to end its embargo on weapons sales to Pakistan could have multiple benefits for Moscow.
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