
Southeast Asia Facing ‘Critical’ Weeks in COVID-19 Fight: Red Cross
By Sebastian Strangio
In recent weeks, the region has seen more than twice as many deaths from the coronavirus than North America.

COVID-19 Has Resulted in Massive Southeast Asian Job Losses
By Sebastian Strangio
According to the International Labor Organization, pandemic-induced job losses will continue to drag down the region's economies until well into 2022.

Malaysia to Phase Out China’s Sinovac Vaccine
By Sebastian Strangio
Will mounting evidence about the limited efficacy of Chinese-made vaccines spell the end for Beijing's vaccine diplomacy?

The Regional Absence in Mainland Southeast Asia’s COVID-19 Strategy
By David Hutt
Despite their local vaccination efforts, the nations of the region won't be safe until the entire region achieves herd immunity.

COVID-19 Tightens Its Grip on Southeast Asia
By Sebastian Strangio
At least half of the region's 11 nations have seen record daily infection counts over the past week.

COVID-19’s Toll on Youth in Southeast Asia
By Karen Lee
With infections spiking across the region, young people are likely to be disproportionately affected over the long term.

Japan Steps Up Its ‘Vaccine Diplomacy’ in Southeast Asia
By Sebastian Strangio
A donation of 1 million jabs to Vietnam could be followed by shipments to Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand.

Amid COVID-19, Fake News Crackdowns Do Damage Across Southeast Asia
By Karen Lee and Andreyka Natalegawa
Multiple governments in the region have used misinformation laws to suppress critical reporting on COVID-19.

ASEAN and China Ministers Talk COVID-19, Myanmar Crisis
By Sebastian Strangio
The special meeting in Chongqing underscored the region’s increasing economic and political reliance on China.

In Asia’s 3 Biggest Democracies, COVID-19 has Entrenched Inequality and Democratic Regression
By Joshua Kurlantzick
The effects of the pandemic have fallen most heavily on minorities, while leaders have used COVID-19 as a pretext to expand their executive power.

The COVID-19 Endgame: Does Southeast Asia Need More Than Resilience?
By Manoj Harjani and Tan Ming Hui
Ideally, the pandemic should prompt a long-term mindset shift toward anticipating – and growing from – future crises.

The COVID-19 Overseas Remittance Crisis That Wasn’t
By James Guild
Overseas remittances generally proved to be more resilient than other types of capital flows into Southeast Asia.