
ASEAN digital economy

Microsoft CEO Announces AI Investments in Indonesia, Thailand

Microsoft CEO Announces AI Investments in Indonesia, Thailand

By Sebastian Strangio
Satya Nadella has pledged to expand the infrastructure needed to support the firm's AI services in the fast-growing region.

The Importance of Interoperability for ASEAN’s Digital Framework Agreement

The Importance of Interoperability for ASEAN’s Digital Framework Agreement

By Albert J. Rapha
Creating seamless regional integration is crucial to the success of the bloc's pathbreaking digital economy agreement.
ASEAN’s Window of Opportunity for Shaping Global Data Governance

ASEAN’s Window of Opportunity for Shaping Global Data Governance

By Jesslene Lee
The bloc's roadmap for digital integration could help set global norms at a time when distinctive models of data regulation are forming. 

Linking Together Asia’s Digital Future

Linking Together Asia’s Digital Future

By Grace Yuehan Wang
Digital connectivity promises to be a driving force behind Asian growth, particularly in Southeast Asia.

ASEAN Needs to Prepare Now for the Future of Work

ASEAN Needs to Prepare Now for the Future of Work

By Heng Molika
Amid rapid economic and technological changes, Southeast Asian governments need to offer generous subsidies for digital upskilling.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The Uneasy Road to an ASEAN-EU Digital Partnership

The Uneasy Road to an ASEAN-EU Digital Partnership

By Xirui Li
Creating a digital partnership with ASEAN is part of the EU’s 2021 Indo-Pacific Strategy. But that will face challenges, starting with human rights.

Why ASEAN Needs a Region-Wide Digital Payment System

Why ASEAN Needs a Region-Wide Digital Payment System

By Leang Seakleng
An inclusive and user-friendly system could deepen Southeast Asian integration and generate economic benefits for the region's 668 million people.
Southeast Asia’s Digital Economy to Top $200 Billion in 2022:  Report

Southeast Asia’s Digital Economy to Top $200 Billion in 2022: Report

By Sebastian Strangio
A new report claims that the region's digital economy could be worth more than $200 billion this year, outpacing previous projections.

Digital Trade Must be Central to Biden’s ‘Pivot to Asia’

Digital Trade Must be Central to Biden’s ‘Pivot to Asia’

By Linh Tong
Washington's current approach to Southeast Asia underestimates China's increasing lead in digital trade and technology.

Vietnam, Singapore Begin Negotiations on Digital Trade Agreement

Vietnam, Singapore Begin Negotiations on Digital Trade Agreement

By Linh Tong
Despite all the challenges, an agreement between the two nations would further liberalize the digital trade environment in Southeast Asia.

Singapore’s Digital Banking Race is On

Singapore’s Digital Banking Race is On

By James Guild
Digital newcomers face serious challenges in poaching customers from Singapore’s traditional banking sector.
In Southeast Asia, COVID-19 Speeds Transition to Digital Technologies

In Southeast Asia, COVID-19 Speeds Transition to Digital Technologies

By Sebastian Strangio
A new report into the region's digital economy shows the dramatic effects that the pandemic has had on daily life.

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