
Australia foreign aid

How Australia Can Reinforce Its Commitment to International Humanitarian Law

How Australia Can Reinforce Its Commitment to International Humanitarian Law

By Grant Wyeth
Australia’s responsibility lies in being a prominent champion of international humanitarian law in concert with other like-minded partners. 

What the Trump Administration Can Learn From Aid Reorganizations in Australia, NZ, and Canada

What the Trump Administration Can Learn From Aid Reorganizations in Australia, NZ, and Canada

By Eileen Natuzzi
As the administration considers folding USAID into the State Department, it should study lessons learned from Australia, Canada, and New Zealand – all of which have done the same.
Solomon Islands’ New Government: A Chance to Reset Australia’s Pacific Diplomacy

Solomon Islands’ New Government: A Chance to Reset Australia’s Pacific Diplomacy

By Corey Lee Bell
The island nation is far from alone in adopting a “look north” policy. It's time for Canberra to take a long, hard look at why.

Australia's New Budget Hopes for a Continued Lucky Streak

Australia's New Budget Hopes for a Continued Lucky Streak

By Anthony Fensom
The Coalition government's latest budget depends on some overly optimistic economic forecasts to cut the deficit.

Calling All Ambassadors: Australia Ponders a New Foreign Policy Path

Calling All Ambassadors: Australia Ponders a New Foreign Policy Path

By Grant Wyeth
Australia has called all of its current diplomatic heads of mission home to help craft a new foreign policy white paper.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Australia's Foreign Policy White Paper Needs to Look at More Than Defense

Australia's Foreign Policy White Paper Needs to Look at More Than Defense

By Michael Sheldrick
Australia's next Foreign Policy White Paper needs to reemphasize the importance of foreign aid.

Australia’s Foreign Aid Cuts Could Be Costly

Australia’s Foreign Aid Cuts Could Be Costly

By Joshua Kurlantzick
The country's budget cutbacks are likely to have some far-reaching repercussions.
Australia: A Boring Budget?

Australia: A Boring Budget?

By Helen Clark
The Australian government tries to avoid the controversy that followed last year’s offering.

So Is Australia Cutting Its Aid Budget Again?

So Is Australia Cutting Its Aid Budget Again?

By Helen Clark
It appears Australia’s aid budget will remain as it is, or at least no more “slashed” than it already is.

Australia Cuts Foreign Aid Again

Australia Cuts Foreign Aid Again

By Helen Clark
Budget pressures targeting aid commitments that are already low by international standards.

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