
Australia-Japan submarines

Why the New Japan-Australia Military Pact Matters

Why the New Japan-Australia Military Pact Matters

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the significance of the signing of a new defense pact.
Australia-Japan Defense Ties Are Deeper Than a Sunken Submarine Bid

Australia-Japan Defense Ties Are Deeper Than a Sunken Submarine Bid

By Prashanth Parameswaran
While the outcome is a missed opportunity, it’s worth remembering that bilateral ties are much more than a single deal.

Japanese Submarine Enters Australia’s Waters for First Time Since WWII for Drills

Japanese Submarine Enters Australia’s Waters for First Time Since WWII for Drills

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Nichi Gou Trident produces a notable first.

Australia and Japan: The Unknown Unknowns

Australia and Japan: The Unknown Unknowns

By Mark Thomson
Australia's submarine decision has significant implications for its strategic relationship with Japan.

Interview: Australian Senator Nick Xenophon

Interview: Australian Senator Nick Xenophon

By Mina Pollmann
The Diplomat speaks with Sen. Xenophon about Australia's submarine deal.
Will the United States Help Taiwan Build Submarines?

Will the United States Help Taiwan Build Submarines?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee is visiting Taipei to discuss technical aid for domestic submarines.

Is Germany Still in the Race for Australia’s Biggest Arms Deal of the Century?

Is Germany Still in the Race for Australia’s Biggest Arms Deal of the Century?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Angela Merkel is aggressively pushing for Germany to win a contract to build 12 submarines.
Australia Wants Japanese Sub Propulsion

Australia Wants Japanese Sub Propulsion

By Clint Richards
Size, technology and stealth are proving too great a draw for Canberra.

Australia, Japan and Asia’s New ‘Cold War’

Australia, Japan and Asia’s New ‘Cold War’

By Anthony Fensom
Donna Weeks, an expert on the Australia-Japan relationship, considers the implications of Abe's recent trip to Australia.

Japan’s New Defense Posture

Japan’s New Defense Posture

By Lionel Pierre Fatton
What are the implications of Japan’s constitutional reinterpretation on regional security dynamics?

Australia and Japan’s ‘Special Relationship'

Australia and Japan’s ‘Special Relationship'

By Kevin Placek
Abe’s visit looks set to bolster bilateral ties on both the economic and defense fronts.
Imbalance Drives the Sino-Japan Split

Imbalance Drives the Sino-Japan Split

By Clint Richards
Militarism could exacerbate problems already emerging in their drifting economic ties.

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