Australia-U.S. relations
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Viewing the Inter-Korea Summit from Australia
By Grant Wyeth
Given Australia's economic interests in Northeast Asia, how does Canberra view the Inter-Korea summit?

Trump Open to Joint Freedom of Navigation Operations With Australia
By Ankit Panda
The U.S. president said he "would love" to see Australia join the U.S. Navy in the South China Sea.

Is It Time Australia Pursued An ‘Independent’ Foreign Policy?
By Anthony Dodd
If Asia’s future is to be led by China, Australia may need to balance out its U.S.-centric foreign policy.

What the Trump-Turnbull Call Tells Us About the Future of US Alliances in Asia
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
Does the example of the Trump-Turnbull call portend a downturn for U.S. alliances around the Asia-Pacific?

Australia Gets Reassurance on Refugee Deal and Dual Citizen Exception
By Grant Wyeth
Australia seeks critical clarifications on the impact of U.S. President Trump's recent executive order.

B-1 ‘Misspeak’ Highlights Australia’s China-US Balancing Problem
By Helen Clark
The U.S. walks back a bomber basing announcement, but it still underscores Australia’s tricky diplomatic position.

Australia Caught in Middle of US-China Power Tussle
By Nick Derewlany
Canberra could struggle to balance its interests as tensions rise over the AIIB and TPP.

The Australia-US Alliance Grows Ever Closer
By Kevin Placek
An annual ministerial-level meeting underscores the growing strength of ties between Washington and Canberra.

Asia-Pacific Messaging for Australia and the U.S.
By Andrew Kwon
A joint conference focuses on the rebalancing, but appears to overlook an important element.
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