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Closing the Gap: Agreement Reached on Australia-Timor-Leste Maritime Border

Closing the Gap: Agreement Reached on Australia-Timor-Leste Maritime Border

By Grant Wyeth
The agreement made at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague settles an old dispute.
Australia’s Deadliest Warship Completes 1st Ever Replenishment at Sea

Australia’s Deadliest Warship Completes 1st Ever Replenishment at Sea

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Australia’s latest guided-missile destroyer has just conducted its first ever replenishment at sea.

US Allies Aren’t Buying Its New Strategies to Confront China

US Allies Aren’t Buying Its New Strategies to Confront China

By Bates Gill
China presents many challenges, but bluff, bluster, and empty rhetoric will be seen for exactly what it is.

Corruption Threatens Australia’s Defense Program

Corruption Threatens Australia’s Defense Program

By Chris Douglas
In pursuing its massive defense building program, Australia must protect itself against critical corruption risks.

Realizing Australia’s Defense Export Dreams

Realizing Australia’s Defense Export Dreams

By Grant Wyeth
Canberra wants to spark growth in its defense industry, but the market is a crowded one.
Is China Building Roads to Nowhere in the Pacific?

Is China Building Roads to Nowhere in the Pacific?

By Grant Wyeth
An Australia minister lashed out at Chinese investment in the Pacific region. Why take up the issue now?

Will Australia and Japan Finally Conclude a Visiting Forces Agreement?

Will Australia and Japan Finally Conclude a Visiting Forces Agreement?

By Grant Wyeth
Discussions on a VFA have been taking place since 2014; the two sides are expected to sign the agreement soon.
Hidden in Plain Sight: Australia’s Foreign Workers

Hidden in Plain Sight: Australia’s Foreign Workers

By Grant Wyeth
A new report stresses the urgent need for Canberra to review and reform its Seasonal Workers Program.

Australia’s Deadliest Warship to Be Fitted With New Anti-Air Warfare Defense Technology

Australia’s Deadliest Warship to Be Fitted With New Anti-Air Warfare Defense Technology

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Australia’s latest guided-missile destroyer will be fitted with the so-called cooperative engagement capability.

Oceania’s Place in Australia’s New Foreign Policy White Paper

Oceania’s Place in Australia’s New Foreign Policy White Paper

By Grant Wyeth
Importantly, the paper dedicated a chapter to Australia’s role within the Pacific.

Why Has Australia Shifted Back to the Quad?

Why Has Australia Shifted Back to the Quad?

By Grant Wyeth
Among other things, the Quad gives Australia an opportunity to expand on its underdeveloped relationship with India.
France in the Pacific: Growing Strategic Ties With Australia

France in the Pacific: Growing Strategic Ties With Australia

By Grant Wyeth
Forging closer security ties with France seems to be Australia's best regional hedge against U.S. political instability.

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