Australian Navy

Australian Frigate Headed for the Middle East
By Grant Wyeth
HMAS Toowoomba is on its way to the Persian Gulf to join a U.S.-led maritime security mission.

Australia’s Indo-Pacific Endeavor Visits Vietnam
By Grant Wyeth
Two vessels -- HMAS Canberra and HMAS Newcastle -- docked in Cam Ranh Bay last week for a four day visit.

Royal Australian Navy Task Group Arrives in Sri Lanka for Indo-Pacific Endeavor 2019 Exercises
By Ankit Panda
Four vessels—HMAS Canberra, HMAS Success, HMAS Newcastle, and HMAS Parramata—arrived in Sri Lanka.

Australia's Collins-Class Submarines Enter a 20th Year of Trouble
By Robert Green
A Swedish shipyard’s troubles and Australia’s quest for new submarines.

South China Sea: Australian Navy Vessels En Route to Vietnam Received Warnings From Chinese Navy
By Ankit Panda
Australian warships found themselves in a confrontation with the People's Liberation Army-Navy in the South China Sea.

Trump Open to Joint Freedom of Navigation Operations With Australia
By Ankit Panda
The U.S. president said he "would love" to see Australia join the U.S. Navy in the South China Sea.

A First: Indian and Australian Navies Plan Exercises Off Western Australian Coast
By Ankit Panda
The Indian Navy will join its Australian counterpart for an exercise off the coast of Western Australia.

Are Australia’s New Subs Already Obsolete?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Rapid technological changes in underwater warfare may make the submarine as we know it obsolete by the 2040s.

Australia’s Submarine Superiority: Strange Strategies and Overspending
By Greg Austin
How grounded in strategic reality is the Australian government's decision to purchase 12 new submarines?

The Deceptively Simple Reason Australia Picked the Shortfin Barracuda
By Ankit Panda
Did Australia go with DCNS to keep the SSN option open?

Australia's Submarine Deal: Why France Won and Why Australia-Japan Ties Will Be OK
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
The Diplomat's defense editors discuss Australia's recent Collins-class replacement decision.

Why Japan Lost the Bid to Build Australia’s New Subs
By Franz-Stefan Gady
How did the onetime frontrunner fail in its bid to build Australia’s next-generation submarine?
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