
China’s Lawful Position on the South China Sea
By Greg Austin
China is not helping itself by refusing to define its understanding of the nine-dashed line.

China's Navy to Send More Ships to the Indian Ocean
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Recent reports of PLAN naval movements have many analysts worried.

New Snowden Documents Reveal Chinese Behind F-35 Hack
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Experts have long argued that China has copied the F-35 design for its own fighter jets. Is this the proof?

Why the US Should Encourage Closer Sino-Indian Ties
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A "deadlocked alliance" between Beijing and New Delhi may be good news for the United States.

In Kazakhstan, Hope and Skepticism About Hosting 2022 Olympics
By Joshua Kucera
The Games could put the country on the map. But not everybody is excited about the idea.

The 2022 Winter Olympics Will Be in Asia
By Samuel Chi
Because nobody else wants them.

Beijing’s Booming Population Risks Instability
By Clint Richards
Pollution and rapidly increasing rural migrants could quickly outstrip Beijing’s ability to cope.

Beijing Enters China's New Bond Market
By Shannon Tiezzi
Beijing is the 8th local government to issue bonds under a pilot program to combat shadow banking.

Size Doesn’t Matter for Asia’s Influential Cities
By Anthony Fensom
Work in Asia, live in Australasia is the message from the latest global surveys of economic clout and livability.

Beijing Cracks Down on Illegal Drug Use
By Ankit Panda
Beijing police are cracking down on illegal drug use among Chinese and foreigners alike.

Beijing’s Choice and Hong Kong’s Elections
By Yang Hengjun
Beijing can better achieve its goals by allowing free elections in Hong Kong.

Asia-Pacific Has Seven of the World’s Top 20 Global Cities
By Shannon Tiezzi
East Asia has a high number of global cities, according to a biannual ranking, while ASEAN and South Asia lag behind.