Blocking the Flow: Cambodia’s Sesan II Dam
By Luc Forsyth and Gareth Bright
In Cambodia’s far north, the Mekong is under threat from one of the most controversial environmental project in the country.
The Tonle Sap: Cambodia’s Beating Heart
By Luc Forsyth and Gareth Bright
The Tonle Sap is Southeast Asia’s largest lake and Cambodia’s main source of protein, but all is not well on the Great Lake.
Towards Cambodia’s Great Lake
By Luc Forsyth and Gareth Bright
Cambodia’s Tonle Sap River is the conduit that connects the Mekong to the largest lake in Southeast Asia.
The Vanishing Lakes of Phnom Penh
By Luc Forsyth and Gareth Bright
Cambodia’s capital was once home to 2 flourishing lakeside communities. Commercial land development changed everything.
The Lives of Phnom Penh’s Chams
By Luc Forsyth and Gareth Bright
In the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh, a small community of Cambodian Muslims live half their lives on the water.
Shifting Sands in the Mekong River
By Luc Forsyth and Gareth Bright
In eastern Cambodia, the global demand for sand to be used in concrete mixing has had profound impacts on river dwellers.
Entering the Kingdom of Cambodia
By Luc Forsyth and Gareth Bright
The second country in A River’s Tail is home to roughly 15 million people, and is one of the poorest countries in Asia.
Pol Pot’s Surviving Lieutenants Held to Account
By Luke Hunt
The Diplomat chats with senior figures from the Khmer Rouge tribunal in Cambodia.
Interview: Chasing A River's Tail
By Catherine Putz
Luc Forsyth and Gareth Bright have set out on a journey to follow the Mekong river from sea to source.
As Cambodia Approaches China Over the US, It Should Remember Machiavelli's Lessons
By Cheunboran Chanborey
Cambodia approaches China, leaving the United States in the dust. Can it retain its freedom?
Cambodia’s Strategic China Alignment
By Cheunboran Chanborey
A number of factors are driving Cambodia's strategic convergence with China.
Thief or Anti-Colonial Agitator: Who Is Andre Malraux?
By Poppy McPherson
A new book explains how Andre Malraux became a human rights activist in French Indochina after failing as a thief.