
CCP influence operations

The CCP Messes With Texas (and Florida)

The CCP Messes With Texas (and Florida)

By Seth Kaplan
Recent cases in Texas and Florida illustrate how the Chinese Communist Party is using WeChat and other means to try and shape public policy outcomes. 

Behind Legislators’ Push to Make PRC National Day a New York State Holiday

Behind Legislators’ Push to Make PRC National Day a New York State Holiday

By Flora Yan
Even amid sky-high China-U.S. tensions, there is an ongoing bid to make October 1 a public holiday -- "China Day" -- in New York state.
China’s Subnational Influence at Work in the New York State Legislature

China’s Subnational Influence at Work in the New York State Legislature

By Flora Yan
The New York State Legislature has developed a special relationship with Beijing.

Chinese Disinformation Operations: What Central and Eastern Europe Can Learn From Taiwan

Chinese Disinformation Operations: What Central and Eastern Europe Can Learn From Taiwan

By Alicja Bachulska and Lin Pu
The Taiwanese government and civil society’s tough, yet successful, battle against Chinese propaganda can be a lesson for democracies in the CEE region.

Recent Wins and Defeats for the CCP’s Global Media Influence Campaign

Recent Wins and Defeats for the CCP’s Global Media Influence Campaign

By Sarah Cook
Some tactics have been productive, but others are fueling a backlash.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

New Zealand’s Quiet China Shift

New Zealand’s Quiet China Shift

By Anne-Marie Brady
The Ardern government is using deliberately ambiguous tactics to deter an increasingly aggressive partner while (so far) avoiding punishment.

Watch China’s Unconventional Levers of Power in World Affairs

Watch China’s Unconventional Levers of Power in World Affairs

By Robert Sutter
Unconventional – and often overlooked – practices form a key part of China’s international influence.
China’s Media Influence Has Gone Global. So Has the Pushback.

China’s Media Influence Has Gone Global. So Has the Pushback.

By Sarah Cook
Beijing's campaign to control narratives about China the world over is attracting more attention -- and opposition.

Friends and Enemies: Making Sense of the CCP’s Overseas Political Interference

Friends and Enemies: Making Sense of the CCP’s Overseas Political Interference

By Ankit Panda
What are the ways in which the Chinese Communist Party seeks to protect its interests outside China’s borders?

How China’s ‘United Front’ Endangers Ethnic Chinese Abroad

How China’s ‘United Front’ Endangers Ethnic Chinese Abroad

By Chauncey Jung
Amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, China’s United Front Work Department is putting the Chinese diaspora in greater danger.

China-Finland: Beijing’s ‘Model Relationship’ in Europe?

China-Finland: Beijing’s ‘Model Relationship’ in Europe?

By Matti Puranen
Even as Helsinki remains largely passive, China’s influencing activities in Finland draw increasing attention.
‘Stealth War’: How the US Can Counter China’s Takeover Attempts

‘Stealth War’: How the US Can Counter China’s Takeover Attempts

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Robert Spalding.

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