China arms sales

China’s Arms Imports Are Declining – But So Are Its Arms Exports
By Muhammad Murad
What do these two trends tell us about China’s defense industry and its quest for military self-reliance?

Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas Wars Reveal the Importance of Weapons Production
By Vasabjit Banerjee and Benjamin Tkach
Current conflicts offer a reminder to China and the U.S.: Arms do not deliver victory only through technological advantage but also through availability.

Amid Russia-Ukraine War, China Could Dominate the Value Arms Market
By Vasabjit Banerjee and Benjamin Tkach
If Russian arms exports decline in the wake of its invasion of Ukraine, China stands to benefit – unless the U.S. moves to prevent it.

The Barriers to China-Iran Military Diplomacy
By Masoud Rezaei
An Iranian perspective on how far China and Iran can take their defense ties.

The Middle East: An Emerging Market for Chinese Arms Exports
By Alvite Ningthoujam
China remains a marginal player in the region's arms market, but its presence is steadily growing.

Pakistan Navy to Purchase Frigates from China
By Charlotte Gao
Pakistan’s former naval chief Muhammad Zakaullah said contracts have been signed to acquire frigates from China.

China Gives Belarus New Armored Vehicles
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Beijing doles out a new round of military technical assistance to Minsk.
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