
China artificial island-building

Is China Committing Environmental Crimes in the South China Sea?

Is China Committing Environmental Crimes in the South China Sea?

John McManus, a professor at the Rosenstiel School of the University of Miami, discusses the environmental damage to the South China Sea, China's role, and the chances for an ecological recovery.
How China Uses Geoengineering to Pursue a Hybrid Warfare Strategy

How China Uses Geoengineering to Pursue a Hybrid Warfare Strategy

By Kunal Sharma
China's growing ability to alter and manipulate the physical environment could help advance its geopolitical ambitions.

China’s Next Phase of Militarization in the South China Sea

China’s Next Phase of Militarization in the South China Sea

By Scott N. Romaniuk and Tobias Burgers
Beijing is now consolidating its gains in the region – and its control.

China's Island Build-Up: The View From Space

China's Island Build-Up: The View From Space

By SpaceKnow
Satellite images reveal the scope of China's expanded presence.

Perpetual Stalemate: China Can Neither Be Dislodged From the South China Sea Nor Control It

Perpetual Stalemate: China Can Neither Be Dislodged From the South China Sea Nor Control It

By Steven Stashwick
Former U.S., Australian officials say it’s “too late” and PLA assessment says China “cannot be optimistic”.
South China Sea Ruling: China Caused 'Irreparable Harm' to Environment

South China Sea Ruling: China Caused 'Irreparable Harm' to Environment

By Shannon Tiezzi
The arbitral tribunal rules that significant environmental damage has been done -- and China is to blame.

China Unveils New South China Sea Lighthouse on Subi Reef

China Unveils New South China Sea Lighthouse on Subi Reef

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Beijing holds a “completion ceremony” for a lighthouse on one of its artificial islands.
Chinese Media: Our Artificial Islands Are Better Than Vietnam's

Chinese Media: Our Artificial Islands Are Better Than Vietnam's

By Shannon Tiezzi
A Chinese media report claims that Vietnamese land reclamation on a Spratly reef was washed away in a typhoon.

The Hypocrisy of US Freedom of Navigation Operations in the South China Sea

The Hypocrisy of US Freedom of Navigation Operations in the South China Sea

By Hu Bo
The U.S. says it is defending freedom of navigation; really it just wants to limit China's power in the South China Sea.

What China's 'Militarization' of the South China Sea Would Actually Look Like

What China's 'Militarization' of the South China Sea Would Actually Look Like

By John Chen and Bonnie Glaser
A closer look at the specific military concerns posed by China's artificial islands.

US Commander Warns China Against ‘Revising’ International Law in the South China Sea

US Commander Warns China Against ‘Revising’ International Law in the South China Sea

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A veiled warning implores Beijing to stop undermining the global rules-based system.
US Navy Ready to Sail Within 12 Nautical Miles of China's Artificial Islands in the South China Sea

US Navy Ready to Sail Within 12 Nautical Miles of China's Artificial Islands in the South China Sea

By Shannon Tiezzi
Two reports say the long-awaited freedom of navigation operations may commence in the next weeks or even days.

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