China cybersecurity

China’s New Legislation on Deepfakes: Should the Rest of Asia Follow Suit?
By Asha Hemrajani
China’s new regulations on deepfakes are the most comprehensive in the world. Will they provide a model for the rest of Asia to follow?

China’s Draft Data Security Law: A Practical Review
By Marcel Green
For the first time, the Chinese government is taking steps to protect personal and consumer data. Businesses should take note.

Decoding China’s Cryptography Law
By Zi Yang
A look at the security and commercial implications of the new law.

Expanding Cyber Demands Embolden China’s Homegrown Cybersecurity Darlings
By Mohammed Shihab
China is building a welcoming ecosystem for its homegrown tech darlings.

Facebook’s Plan to Enter China Is Doomed to Fail
By Chuzi Xiao
It's not just a question of censorship; many Chinese government policies would work against Facebook.

Scoping Critical Information Infrastructure in China
By Xiaomeng Lu
CII is a major policy challenge in implementing Xi Jinping’s cybersecurity strategy.

China’s Cybersecurity Headache
By Qiheng Chen
The need to secure smart devices can provide common ground for cooperation

Waiting for China’s Data Protection Law
By George G. Chen and Tiffany G. Wong
The lack of a unified legal framework may hamper China’s ongoing digitalization drive.

The WeChat Phenomenon: Social Media with Chinese Characteristics
By Lauren Dickey
WeChat has become an inescapable part of life in China, but its popularity carries risks.

China's Cybersecurity Law: What You Need to Know
By Jack Wagner
The law, which comes into effect June 1, raises data protection concerns for foreign firms.

China’s Quest for Cybersecurity Causes Headache for Foreign Companies
By Nabil Alsabah
International businesses struggle to comply with China's new cyberspace regulations.

Evaluating the US-China Cybersecurity Agreement, Part 3
By Gary Brown and Christopher D. Yung
Over a year later, what impact has the 2015 cyber agreement had on U.S.-China relations?
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