
China economic reforms

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IMF Interview: Can China Sustain Strong Growth?

IMF Interview: Can China Sustain Strong Growth?

By Maurits Elen
James Daniel, the IMF’s China mission chief, on how to safely unlock Chinese growth.
Janet Henry on China’s Economic Reform Scorecard

Janet Henry on China’s Economic Reform Scorecard

By Maurits Elen
How to keep the world’s second largest economy in shape?

China’s Global Governance Challenge and Domestic Reforms

China’s Global Governance Challenge and Domestic Reforms

By Chen Zheng
Rethinking the 'Kindleberger Trap' and its implications for the rise of China.

China’s 'Two Sessions' and the 2017 Economic Outlook

China’s 'Two Sessions' and the 2017 Economic Outlook

By Spencer Sheehan
Li's work report was light on new economic reforms, indicating that stability remains the government's main goal.

China's GDP Growth: Slow and Slower?

China's GDP Growth: Slow and Slower?

By Anthony Fensom
China's official figures show slowing growth – and the real picture may be worse.
China’s Economic Reforms: Global Outlook

China’s Economic Reforms: Global Outlook

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Fabio Ghironi.

'Land Kings': China's Frenzied Property Deals

'Land Kings': China's Frenzied Property Deals

By Xue Gong
China continues to struggle to wean its state-owned enterprises off their reliance on real estate.
Innovation in China: More Than a Fast Follower?

Innovation in China: More Than a Fast Follower?

By John Lee
When it comes to innovation, China still lags behind the West -- but it is catching up.

Labor Unrest: Why China Is Foot-Dragging on Economic Reforms

Labor Unrest: Why China Is Foot-Dragging on Economic Reforms

By Rebecca Liao
Now that China must make its economy market-oriented, it needs to remember its socialist roots more than ever.

Will China’s State-Owned Enterprise Reform Go Far Enough?

Will China’s State-Owned Enterprise Reform Go Far Enough?

By Sara Hsu
In attempting reform while maintaining control, authorities are trying to have it both ways.

China’s Coming Mass Layoffs: Past as Prologue?

China’s Coming Mass Layoffs: Past as Prologue?

By Shannon Tiezzi
China plans to lay off up to 6 million workers in the next two years. That’s nothing compared to the 1990s.
Facing Economic Headwinds, China Predicts Slower Growth in 2016

Facing Economic Headwinds, China Predicts Slower Growth in 2016

By Shannon Tiezzi
China set its floor for GDP growth in 2016 at 6.5 percent, but is determined to keep that pace for the next four years.

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