
China foreign policy

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China's Changing Approach to Africa

China's Changing Approach to Africa

By Shannon Tiezzi
China-Africa relations in a new era of Chinese diplomacy.
What Xi's Catchphrases Say About His Priorities for China

What Xi's Catchphrases Say About His Priorities for China

By Shannon Tiezzi
In a recent list of "hot phrases" said by President Xi Jinping, domestic affairs dominate.

Xi's Flattery and China's Global Ambitions

Xi's Flattery and China's Global Ambitions

By Kerry Brown
China professes deep appreciation and concern for the developing world. It's time to take Beijing at its word.

Why Read Xi Jinping’s Book?

Why Read Xi Jinping’s Book?

By Yang Hengjun
Whether you agree with Xi or not, reading his book is the best way to understand what’s next for China.

Burying China's 'String of Pearls'

Burying China's 'String of Pearls'

By Christopher D. Yung
The “String of Pearls” model has long outlived its usefulness as a strategic concept.
Time to Rethink Chinese Diplomacy

Time to Rethink Chinese Diplomacy

By Yang Hengjun
Unless China can gain the world's trust, its rise won't get much farther.

China: 2014 Year in Review

China: 2014 Year in Review

By Edited by Asif Farooq and Scott McKnight
A look back on the key trends and events for the past 12 months.
Three Steps to Dealing With the ‘New’ China

Three Steps to Dealing With the ‘New’ China

By Zheng Wang
How the U.S. (and the world) can best react to China's new activist foreign policy moves.

China's Foreign Policy in 2014: A Year of 'Big Strokes'

China's Foreign Policy in 2014: A Year of 'Big Strokes'

By Xie Tao
A look at China's foreign policy moves in 2014, and what's in store for 2015.

A Holiday Primer on Salami Slicing

A Holiday Primer on Salami Slicing

By Robert Farley
How to approach the complex problem of "salami slicing" in the South and East China Seas.

Why China Still Needs Deng Xiaoping

Why China Still Needs Deng Xiaoping

By Yang Hengjun
Particularly in foreign policy, China should be careful not to abandon Deng's productive approach.
The Beijing APEC Summit in Review

The Beijing APEC Summit in Review

By Shannon Tiezzi
David Shambaugh on China's ultimate goals in the region and how the APEC summit outlined this 'Asia-Pacific dream.'

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