China-India competition

Sino-Indian Competition in South Asia: Another Round
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
In the ongoing contest between China and India for influence, New Delhi has made some gains in the Maldives and Sri Lanka.

India Competes for Sri Lanka’s Affections
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
China’s growing footprint in Sri Lanka has been of concern to India.

How Does China’s Military View India?
By Adhiraaj Anand
The PLA views India’s growing military cooperation with the United States with some concern but generally does not consider India a major threat.

Colombo Security Conclave: A New Minilateral for the Indian Ocean?
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
India’s sees subregional engagement, like the expanding Colombo Security Conclave, as critical for securing its strategic interests.

The China-India Contest in the Middle East
By Hasan Alhasan
China’s recent advances with Iran and Turkey have been accompanied by Indian setbacks.

Chinese Aggression Presents an Opportunity for India
By Niranjan Marjani
New Delhi should not miss the openings created by Beijing's aggression across a range of issues.

Sri Lanka’s Role in Sino-Indian Competition in South Asia
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The country continues to be a prime area of competition for both Asian powers in the South Asia region.

2019: Reviewing a Passable Year in China-India Relations
By Ivan Lidarev
Last year, both sides managed to safeguard improvements in the relationship, but without progress on the underlying causes of tension.

Kilo Impact in the Bay of Bengal
By Mohammad Rubaiyat Rahman
India is readying a submarine for Myanmar, but New Delhi won't replace Beijing as a top defense supplier.

Sri Lanka: Caught in an Indo-China ‘Great Game’?
By Shakthi De Silva
A blueprint for Sri Lanka’s foreign policy.

India and the 12th East Asia Summit
By Rupakjyoti Borah
Why the recent East Asia Summit was important for India.

Can the Nuclear Deal With Japan Get India Into the Nuclear Suppliers Group?
By Baisali Mohanty
How far does the bilateral deal go in legitimizing India as a nuclear state?