
China India Ladakh standoff

India and China: A Thaw in the Making?

India and China: A Thaw in the Making?

By Shaheli Das
A spurt in high-level meetings has changed the mood in China-India diplomacy, but there are reasons for India to remain skeptical.
Ladakh’s 2024 Election Verdict: Implications for India’s Domestic and Foreign Policy 

Ladakh’s 2024 Election Verdict: Implications for India’s Domestic and Foreign Policy 

By Stanzin Lhaskyabs
Independent candidate Mohmad Haneefa won by a record margin, ending the BJP's decade of political dominance in Ladakh.

The Sino-Indian Border After Galwan

The Sino-Indian Border After Galwan

By Ajai Shukla
Three years since the Chinese incursions in Galwan Valley began, the Sino-Indian border remains a tinderbox.

60 Years After the Sino-Indian War

60 Years After the Sino-Indian War

By Sushant Singh
The lingering standoff that began in 2020 reveals how little progress has been made on the border dispute between China and India.

In Photos: China and India’s Pangong Lake Disengagement

In Photos: China and India’s Pangong Lake Disengagement

By Rajeev Bhattacharya
After false starts China-India military disengagement in the northern and southern banks of the Pangong Lake is finally over. This is how the process looked.
D.S. Hooda on the Lasting Impact of China-India Ladakh Standoff

D.S. Hooda on the Lasting Impact of China-India Ladakh Standoff

By Abhijnan Rej
A former Indian Army commander discusses the key lessons he has drawn from the Ladakh standoff.

China and India Declare Ladakh Victory – On Traditional and Social Media

China and India Declare Ladakh Victory – On Traditional and Social Media

By Abhijnan Rej
As the ten-month long standoff in Ladakh inches toward resolution, both sides are eager to score domestic points.
China Confirms Deaths in Galwan Clash with India

China Confirms Deaths in Galwan Clash with India

By Abhijnan Rej
A PLA Daily article noted that two officers and three soldiers have received military honors for their performance during the June 15 clash – four of them posthumously.

Indian Defense Minister Outlines Ladakh Disengagement Plan

Indian Defense Minister Outlines Ladakh Disengagement Plan

By Abhijnan Rej
Rajnath Singh’s speech at the upper house of the Indian parliament described a plan to create a buffer zone in the north bank of Pangong Lake.

India and China Discuss Military Disengagement in Ladakh — Again

India and China Discuss Military Disengagement in Ladakh — Again

By Abhijnan Rej
An Indian media report suggests the current discussions are substantive in nature.

China Muddies Waters Further in Ladakh by Resurrecting Old Claim

China Muddies Waters Further in Ladakh by Resurrecting Old Claim

By Abhijnan Rej
With each passing provocative claim, Beijing is making the possibility of a face-saving solution remote for India – and itself.
The India-China Ladakh Crisis: Why So Silent, World?

The India-China Ladakh Crisis: Why So Silent, World?

By Abhijnan Rej
The fact that the tense standoff in Ladakh has not led to a greater impression on the public in the U.S. and elsewhere raises uncomfortable questions.

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