
China-Kazakhstan relations

From Russian Ladas to Chinese BYDs: Central Asia’s Changing Priorities

From Russian Ladas to Chinese BYDs: Central Asia’s Changing Priorities

By Rakshith Shetty
Beijing is steadily drawing the region into its orbit and away from Russia's traditional sphere of influence.

New Hopes for Old Projects? China Gears Up Rail Efforts With Kazakhstan

New Hopes for Old Projects? China Gears Up Rail Efforts With Kazakhstan

By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
China seeks easier trade access to European markets by developing its rail network with Kazakhstan and trialing the Middle Corridor.
Powering China’s Nuclear Ambitions

Powering China’s Nuclear Ambitions

By Genevieve Donnellon-May
Xi’s trip to Kazakhstan – the world's largest uranium exporter – is another step forward in Beijing’s plans to scale up its nuclear energy sector.

What Does Xi Jinping’s Visit Tell Us About China’s Relationship with Central Asia?

What Does Xi Jinping’s Visit Tell Us About China’s Relationship with Central Asia?

By Brian Wong and Iskander Akylbayev
While the meeting with Putin stole headlines, Xi’s trips to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are about far more than Russia.

Why China’s Xi Is Visiting Kazakhstan First

Why China’s Xi Is Visiting Kazakhstan First

By Catherine Putz
Before Xi travels to Samarkand, Uzbekistan, for the SCO summit and a bilateral with Russian President Putin, he’ll land in Kazakhstan for a state visit.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Why Did Central Asia’s Leaders Go to Beijing?

Why Did Central Asia’s Leaders Go to Beijing?

By Catherine Putz
The visits by all five Central Asian presidents to China for the opening of the Beijing Games illustrate the importance of the relationship for both sides.

Observer Now, Beneficiary Later: China and the Unrest in Kazakhstan

Observer Now, Beneficiary Later: China and the Unrest in Kazakhstan

By Benno Zogg
China’s interests in Kazakhstan appear unaffected. As the Kazakhstani regime seeks economic growth and may tighten repression, Beijing's importance could grow.
Why Haven’t Kazakh Xinjiang Protests Gained Traction?

Why Haven’t Kazakh Xinjiang Protests Gained Traction?

By Dariga Sanayeva
The plight of Kazakhs detained in Xinjiang’s “re-education” camps has not gained widespread public support among ethnic Kazakhs in Kazakhstan.

Ahead of CCP Anniversary, Kazakh Activists Protesting China’s Xinjiang Policies Detained

Ahead of CCP Anniversary, Kazakh Activists Protesting China’s Xinjiang Policies Detained

By Catherine Putz
Several activists well-known for picketing the Chinese consulate in Almaty have reportedly been detained in Kazakhstan.

With Kazatomprom Deal, China Secures Nuclear Fuel Supply and Enhances Ties With Kazakhstan

With Kazatomprom Deal, China Secures Nuclear Fuel Supply and Enhances Ties With Kazakhstan

By Gregory Xanthos
China’s state-owned corporations are acquiring strategic resources around the globe, including locking in nuclear fuel supplies from Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan Bans Sale of Agricultural Lands to Foreigners

Kazakhstan Bans Sale of Agricultural Lands to Foreigners

By Catherine Putz
The land code protests of 2016 were a rare occurrence and yielded a rare outcome: a shift in state policy.
Kazakhstan-China Border Delays as Rail Freight Hedge Wobbles

Kazakhstan-China Border Delays as Rail Freight Hedge Wobbles

By Tristan Kenderdine
A bottleneck on the Kazakh-China border has left thousands of wagons waiting to cross for weeks on end.

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