China legal system

Should Murder Go Unpunished? China and Extradition, Part 2
By Jerome A. Cohen
Extradition from Western democracies to China is unpalatable, legally and morally. So what alternatives exist to see justice done?

Should Murder Go Unpunished? China and Extradition, Part 1
By Jerome A. Cohen
China’s quest to pursue justice beyond its borders – including the case of Kyung Yup Kim in New Zealand – necessitates a hard look at its judicial and legal systems.

How China’s Legal System Enables Intellectual Property Theft
By Daniel Rechtschaffen
China’s recent improvements in IP protection can’t overcome the fact that its legal system will never offer a level playing field.

Will China’s New National Security Law Be the ‘Anti-Virus’ Software That Locks Down Hong Kong?
By Jerome A. Cohen
Parsing the legislative, judicial, and law enforcement implications of the NPC’s “bombshell” decision.

China Is Taking Patents Seriously. The World Should Take Notice.
By Bonnie Girard
China has spent 35 years quietly building a patent system that BRI is now helping to extend.

Xi: China Must Never Adopt Constitutionalism, Separation of Powers, or Judicial Independence
By Charlotte Gao
The Chinese president calls for strengthening the Communist Party’s leadership over law in China.

Meng Hongwei and the Rule of Law With Chinese Characteristics
By Bonnie Girard
The former Interpol chief is the latest example of China’s problematic justice system.

Abrupt Detention of Meng Hongwei Further Damages China's International Reputation
By Charlotte Gao
Meng, like all other Chinese citizens, deserves procedural justice, one core value of the rule of law which China often ignores.

Sentenced to 18 Years in Prison, Anbang’s Founder Appeals
By Charlotte Gao
Wu Xiaohui, once a high-profile Chinese tycoon, decides to fight to the end.

What’s So Controversial About China’s New Anti-Corruption Body?
By Jamie P. Horsley
Digging into the National Supervision Commission.

China’s Detention Law: CCP Curbs Courts
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Stanley Lubman.

The Strange and Sad Case of Gui Minhai
By Thomas E. Kellogg
Months after being released, Gui, a Swedish citizen, was abruptly arrested again.