
China-Middle East relations

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US Sanctions on Iran: Good or Bad News for China?

US Sanctions on Iran: Good or Bad News for China?

By Wang Jin
Some Chinese are celebrating Trump’s move, but the new sanctions pose economic and political risks for China.
China’s 'Arab Pivot' Signals the End of Non-Intervention

China’s 'Arab Pivot' Signals the End of Non-Intervention

By Scott N. Romaniuk and Tobias J. Burgers
China’s interests in the Middle East may lead Beijing to assume a military role in the affairs of Arab states.

China's Approach to the Middle East Looks Familiar

China's Approach to the Middle East Looks Familiar

By Massoud Hayoun
Despite repudiating American foreign policy, China now borrows heavily from U.S.-style Middle Eastern diplomacy.

The Future of China's Diplomacy in the Middle East

The Future of China's Diplomacy in the Middle East

By Xue Li and Zheng Yuwen
Despite its rising power, China should resist the temptation to become militarily involved in the Middle East.

China's Balancing Act in Iran

China's Balancing Act in Iran

By Shannon Tiezzi
Xi Jinping tries to deepen ties with Iran, while not alienating Saudi Arabia.
China’s New Era of Diplomacy: Engaging in Syria

China’s New Era of Diplomacy: Engaging in Syria

By Moritz Rudolf
Efforts to mediate in the Syria conflict represent a departure from China’s traditionally cautious diplomacy.

Revealed: China's Blueprint for Building Middle East Relations

Revealed: China's Blueprint for Building Middle East Relations

By Shannon Tiezzi
The first "Arab Policy Paper" provides Beijing's official vision for China-Middle East relations.
Is China's President About to Make His First Trip to the Middle East?

Is China's President About to Make His First Trip to the Middle East?

By Shannon Tiezzi
A planned trip in 2015 was scuttled due to regional tensions. Will Xi's 2016 Middle East tour share the same fate?

China, Qatar, and RMB Internationalization

China, Qatar, and RMB Internationalization

By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
With a new renminbi clearing center, Beijing takes an important step forward.

The Humble Beginnings of China's Space Program

The Humble Beginnings of China's Space Program

By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, the PLAN's birthday, China in the Middle East, and the truth about Hong Kong's election plan. Friday China links.

Revealed: How the Yemen Crisis Wrecked Xi Jinping's Middle East Travel Plans

Revealed: How the Yemen Crisis Wrecked Xi Jinping's Middle East Travel Plans

By Mu Chunshan
Xi's planned trip to Saudi Arabia was scrapped, and even his visit to Pakistan faced complications.
Chinese Nationals Evacuate Yemen on PLA Navy Frigate

Chinese Nationals Evacuate Yemen on PLA Navy Frigate

By Shannon Tiezzi
Amid increasing violence, China pulls over 500 citizens out of Yemen.

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