China migrant workers

Will ‘Common Prosperity’ Reach China’s Takeout Drivers?
By Daniel Alan Bey
Systemic burdens facing rural migrants, combined with the tech sector’s exploitative tendencies, resulted in shocking working conditions for China’s couriers. Now the workers are pushing back.

The Myth of Chinese Capitalism
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Dexter Roberts.

The Changing Face of Beijing
By Henry Reilly
Hubs of commerce and community life undergo a controversial makeover.

A Train Ride Away: Long-Distance Parenting in China
By Miranda Zuo
The forces that drive parents to separate from their children, even temporarily.

Beijing Leader Sends Condolences to Migrant Workers After Evicting Them
By Charlotte Gao
Thousands of migrant workers have been evicted from their rental homes under Beijing’s demolition campaign.

Beijing’s Heavy-Handed Solution to Urbanization
By John Pabon
Beijing's attempts to push out migrant workers will have economic consequences.

Interview: Understanding China's 'Great Migration'
By Shannon Tiezzi
An interview with Bradley M. Gardner about China's rural-to-urban migration.

China's Hukou Reforms and the Urbanization Challenge
By Spencer Sheehan
China is speeding up hukou reform, but that won’t be enough to solve the migrant worker problem.

China’s New Generation of Urban Migrants
By Peter Farrar
The children hungry for a passport to China’s big cities.

China's Plan for 'Orderly' Hukou Reform
By Shannon Tiezzi
China wants to grant hukous to 100 million migrants by 2020, but will be slow and selective in its reform.

The Casualties of China's Economic Reforms
By Yang Hengjun
The next round of economic reforms should address China's widening wealth gap.

The Gaokao Exam: A Tough Test for China
By Shannon Tiezzi
Debates over the grueling pre-college exam highlight fundamental issues facing Chinese society.
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