
China-North Korea

China to Send Special Envoy on Korean Affairs to Seoul

China to Send Special Envoy on Korean Affairs to Seoul

By Charlotte Gao
The development comes immediately after Kim Jong-un reopened a hotline with South Korea.

Tillerson’s North Korea Talk Sparks Contradictory Responses at Home and Abroad

Tillerson’s North Korea Talk Sparks Contradictory Responses at Home and Abroad

By Charlotte Gao
While both China and Russia welcome Tillerson’s offer of talks with North Korea, the White House corrects his remarks.
Chinese Newspaper Publishes Nuclear Attack Survival Guide

Chinese Newspaper Publishes Nuclear Attack Survival Guide

By Charlotte Gao
The official paper of Jilin, near the North Korean border, publishes a full-page article about precautions to take.

In Call With Trump, Xi Restates Korean Denuclearization China's ‘Unswerving Goal’

In Call With Trump, Xi Restates Korean Denuclearization China's ‘Unswerving Goal’

By Charlotte Gao
The presidents of China and US had a phone call about North Korea’s latest missile launch

The Chinese Dream in Peril: Xi Jinping and the Korean Crisis

The Chinese Dream in Peril: Xi Jinping and the Korean Crisis

By Anthony Miller
Beijing has a vested interest in the status quo -- not in the Kim dynasty.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Xi and Trump Discuss North Korea Twice in 2 Weeks

Xi and Trump Discuss North Korea Twice in 2 Weeks

By Charlotte Gao
The White House says both leaders committed to maximizing pressure on North Korea.

No Red Lines? China and North Korea

No Red Lines? China and North Korea

By Kerry Brown
Nothing about a North Korea with a ballistic nuclear weapon capability is good for China. It's time for Beijing to act.
China Gains Russia’s Support on North Korea Issue

China Gains Russia’s Support on North Korea Issue

By DD Wu
Both China and Russia emphasize searching for a solely political solution.

The Deterioration of the People’s Republics: China’s North Korea Problem

The Deterioration of the People’s Republics: China’s North Korea Problem

By James Tunningley
Relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are at a turning point.

Trump’s Risky Reliance on China to Handle North Korea

Trump’s Risky Reliance on China to Handle North Korea

By Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein
The long-run impact of the Trump administration’s policies toward the region are unclear.

Sino-US Cooperation Over North Korea Is Now More Important Than Ever

Sino-US Cooperation Over North Korea Is Now More Important Than Ever

By Franz-Stefan Gady
No matter how distasteful, Beijing and Washington have a vested interest in stable relations with Pyongyang.
China Discovers Cross-Border Tunnels Leading to Xinjiang, North Korea

China Discovers Cross-Border Tunnels Leading to Xinjiang, North Korea

By Shannon Tiezzi
Images from a Chinese satellite show cross-border tunnels in sensitive regions.

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