
China-Norway relations

The Precarious State of the Nordic Countries’ One China Policy

The Precarious State of the Nordic Countries’ One China Policy

By Andreas B. Forsby
A new report shows how the Nordic countries have adopted an increasingly defensive approach to Taiwan in the face of Beijing’s assertive imposition of its One China principle.

Falling out of Favor: How China Lost the Nordic Countries

Falling out of Favor: How China Lost the Nordic Countries

By Andreas B. Forsby
In 2016, the Nordic countries were actively seeking to deepen cooperation with China. Today, they are looking instead to limit China's presence and influence. What happened?
The Meng Wanzhou Case Speaks to China’s Diplomatic Paranoia

The Meng Wanzhou Case Speaks to China’s Diplomatic Paranoia

By Jo Kim
China’s unwarranted assertiveness and distrust of democratic systems damages its foreign relations.

China Tries to Put Sweden on Ice

China Tries to Put Sweden on Ice

By Jojje Olsson
Relations between China and Sweden have taken a nosedive with threats, trade restrictions, and the indictment of an ambassador.

China’s Busy Year in the Arctic

China’s Busy Year in the Arctic

By Trym Aleksander Eiterjord
Having officially laid out its Arctic policy last year, 2018 was an eventful year for China in the far North.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

With the Liberal West in Decline, Will China Be Given Free Rein?

With the Liberal West in Decline, Will China Be Given Free Rein?

By Andreas B. Forsby
A leaderless liberal West seems increasingly willing to defer to China, even if it compromises liberal values at home.

China’s Belt and Road: Where Does the Arctic Angle Stand?

China’s Belt and Road: Where Does the Arctic Angle Stand?

By Heidar Gudjonsson and Egill Thor Nielsson
Beijing has had an active few months of Arctic diplomacy.
Liu Xiaobo’s Death Breathes Life into China-Norway Trade Talks

Liu Xiaobo’s Death Breathes Life into China-Norway Trade Talks

By Charlotte Gao
‘We hope that the two sides can take this as an opportunity to move forward the bilateral relations,’ said China.

China's Belt and Road Enters the Arctic

China's Belt and Road Enters the Arctic

By Heidar Gudjonsson and Egill Thor Nielsson
The Arctic states could find much-needed funding for infrastructure improvements through China's Belt and Road.

China and Norway: Unpacking the Deal

China and Norway: Unpacking the Deal

By Bjørnar Sverdrup-Thygeson and Marc Lanteigne
The normalization of China-Norway ties is the result of years of quiet diplomacy.

Norway-China Relations 'Unfrozen'

Norway-China Relations 'Unfrozen'

By Lieke Bos
After six years of tensions, China and Norway have normalized relations. Why now?
Towards the Thaw: Seeking Clarity in China-Norway Relations

Towards the Thaw: Seeking Clarity in China-Norway Relations

By Marc Lanteigne and Bjørnar Sverdrup-Thygeson
How can China and Norway move on from the political freeze sparked by dissident Liu Xiaobo's Nobel Peace Prize?

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