China party-state

What Is the State of the Chinese State?
By Jamie Horsley
Pronouncements of its demise amid a strengthening of CCP control may be premature.

The Party Rules: China’s New Central Science and Technology Commission
By Charles Mok
The new commission is likely to follow the path of the Cyberspace Administration of China.

Identity Politics in U.S. China Policy Could Backfire
By Jiachen Shi
In their rhetoric, politicians may emphasize the distinction between the CCP and the people, but this serves to justify increasingly hawkish policies that don’t really consider that division.

Changhao Wei on the Role of China’s National People’s Congress
By Shannon Tiezzi
“The party undeniably has a larger-than-ever presence in the NPC’s work, most visibly in lawmaking… That has, in my view, contributed to a stronger NPC vis-à-vis other state institutions.”

China and COVID-19: A Central-Local ‘Chess Game’
By Philipp Renninger
Attributing pandemic containment to “Beijing” is both wrong and right – and thus sheds light on China’s central-local governance.

Stability and 'Struggle': China's High-Level Meeting on National Risk Control
By Charlotte Gao
The Chinese president urged hundreds of officials to ensure China's political security amid rising risks.

US-China Cooperation: The Shadow of Legitimacy
By Lily McElwee
Washington’s refusal to accept the Chinese one-party state’s legitimacy represents a fundamental roadblock for future cooperation.

China’s ‘New Type of Party System’: A ‘Multiparty’ System for Foreign Consumption?
By Julia Bowie and Nathanael Callan
The CCP rebrands China’s political party system for external propaganda.

A Path to 'True' Indirect Democracy in China
By Xiaochen Su
China wouldn't have to make major structural changes to practice indirect democracy.
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