
China religious freedom

25 Years On, Falun Gong Still Firmly in Beijing’s Repressive Sights

25 Years On, Falun Gong Still Firmly in Beijing’s Repressive Sights

By Levi Browde and Larry Liu
With its continued efforts to persecute the group, the CCP is implicitly admitting that its effort to wipe out Falun Gong has categorically failed.
The Slow, Insidious Attack on Freedom of Religion in Hong Kong

The Slow, Insidious Attack on Freedom of Religion in Hong Kong

By Benedict Rogers
As Hong Kong’s basic freedoms have been dismantled, freedom of religion or belief – perhaps the last liberty still just about standing – is under ever-increasing threat. 

China’s Crackdown on Foreign Firms Is a Symptom of a Much Deeper Problem

China’s Crackdown on Foreign Firms Is a Symptom of a Much Deeper Problem

By Sarah Cook
Investigations in the business sector are just the tip of the iceberg. Politicized prosecutions are a growing blight on Chinese society.

Members of Exiled Chinese Church Detained in Thailand

Members of Exiled Chinese Church Detained in Thailand

By Tian Macleod Ji and David Rising
Members of the Shenzhen Holy Reformed Church, also called the Mayflower Church, came to Thailand in 2022 seeking asylum. 

China’s Repression of the Hui: A Slow Boil

China’s Repression of the Hui: A Slow Boil

By James Jennion
Even China’s “preferred Muslims” face tightening restrictions on religious expression.
Religion With Chinese Characteristics: Sinicizing Religion in China

Religion With Chinese Characteristics: Sinicizing Religion in China

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Xi Lian.

Trump’s Devastating Silence on China’s Human Rights Abuses 

Trump’s Devastating Silence on China’s Human Rights Abuses 

By Naz El-Khatib and Ashley Wood
Trump’s obsession with “strength” at the expense of human rights has been a defining feature of his views on China.
‘In July 1999, the CCP Created Exactly What It Had Feared’

‘In July 1999, the CCP Created Exactly What It Had Feared’

By Sarah Cook
Recollections of the launch of Beijing’s assault on Falun Gong and its impact 20 years later.

Taiwan Voices Support for Uyghurs in China

Taiwan Voices Support for Uyghurs in China

By Wen Lii
The human rights crisis in Xinjiang foreshadows Taiwan’s future under PRC control, and the island knows it.

Old-Fashioned Thuggery Reinforces China’s High-Tech Censorship

Old-Fashioned Thuggery Reinforces China’s High-Tech Censorship

By Sarah Cook
In addition to technological tools, China’s government is using more old-fashioned methods to keep activists silent.

Religion Is ‘Spiritual Anesthesia’: The Ideology Behind China’s Uyghur Crackdown

Religion Is ‘Spiritual Anesthesia’: The Ideology Behind China’s Uyghur Crackdown

By Bonnie Girard
Xinjiang’s Muslims are just the latest victim of the CCP’s contempt for religion.
What the China-Vatican Deal Means for Taiwan

What the China-Vatican Deal Means for Taiwan

By Gary Sands
A reported agreement could spell trouble for Taipei -- and China's Catholics.

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