
China South China Sea Strategy

China’s Big Gamble in the South China Sea

China’s Big Gamble in the South China Sea

By Hung Tran
Heightened China-Philippines tension around Second Thomas Shoal could escalate to military skirmishes – and that’s a chance Beijing appears willing to take.
China Proposing to Host ASEAN Ministers Next Month

China Proposing to Host ASEAN Ministers Next Month

By Sebastian Strangio
The proposed meeting follows a flurry of Chinese engagements with Southeast Asia in recent months.

China’s Goals for Wang Yi’s Southeast Asian Tour

China’s Goals for Wang Yi’s Southeast Asian Tour

By Nian Peng
The foreign minister’s trip was about much more than COVID-19 vaccines.

Why Doesn’t China Deploy Fighter Jets to the Spratly Islands?

Why Doesn’t China Deploy Fighter Jets to the Spratly Islands?

By Ian Storey
Is Beijing merely trying to avoid provocation, or is there a more serious problem with its artificial island bases in the South China Sea?

Pay Attention to China’s ‘Blue Sea 2020’ Project

Pay Attention to China’s ‘Blue Sea 2020’ Project

By YingHui Lee
Is China quietly securitizing marine environmental protection in the South China Sea?
Amid a Pandemic, China Ramps Up Maritime ‘Micro-Aggressions’

Amid a Pandemic, China Ramps Up Maritime ‘Micro-Aggressions’

By Ben Lowsen
Beijing is putting up a brash front to hide its growing insecurity.

Maritime Flashpoints and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Maritime Flashpoints and the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Sumathy Permal
Southeast Asian states like Malaysia are having to both deal with a global health crisis and step up defense of their South China Sea claims.
The South China Sea in 2020: What to Watch

The South China Sea in 2020: What to Watch

By Prashanth Parameswaran
An interview with Greg Poling, director of the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative at CSIS.

Japan’s Options in the South China Sea

Japan’s Options in the South China Sea

By Yoji Koda
With some reverse thinking, smaller nations may be able to deter a major power.

China’s New 8,000-Ton South China Sea Supply Ship

China’s New 8,000-Ton South China Sea Supply Ship

By Zachary Haver
It might not make headlines like missile tests, but the Sansha 2 is a major boost for China’s capabilities.

China’s Next Phase of Militarization in the South China Sea

China’s Next Phase of Militarization in the South China Sea

By Scott N. Romaniuk and Tobias Burgers
Beijing is now consolidating its gains in the region – and its control.
The Early Returns of China’s Military Reforms

The Early Returns of China’s Military Reforms

By Ying Yu Lin
China’s increased capability for joint operations means Taiwan must rethink the Chinese military threat.

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