China-South Korea relations
How Did China Lose South Korea?
By Xie Tao
How did China-South Korea relations fall so far so fast?
South Korea's 3 Foreign Policy Blind Spots
By Ben Forney
South Korean policymakers refuse to acknowledge three basic realities that should shape foreign policy.
What South Korea Thinks of China's 'Belt and Road'
By Balbina Hwang
China’s OBOR vision increasingly clashes with South Korea’s own Eurasia Initiative.
3 Stages of Park Geun-hye's China Diplomacy
By Jin Kai
Park's outreach to China ended in a diplomatic dilemma that will require attention from her successor.
South Korea’s THAAD Dilemma Continues
By Benjamin Lee
"Neither suspending nor continuing the deployment of THAAD is a palatable choice for South Korea."
China Brings More Economic Retaliation for THAAD Against South Korea
By Ankit Panda
South Korean conglomerate Lotte sees its affiliates come under pressure in China. Is this all because of THAAD?
South Korea Cracks Down on Illegal Chinese Fishing, With Violent Results
By Lyle J Morris
Tensions between China and South Korea intensify over illegal fishing, with the Korea Coast Guard raising the stakes.
South Korea Sees Frictions With China's Maritime Militia: What's Next?
By David Volodzko
China is walking a tightrope, balancing foreign relations in one hand and the nationalism of its people in the other.
THAAD and the Sino-South Korean Strategic Dilemma
By Benjamin Lee
The debate surrounding the THAAD deployment exposes a bigger issue: the strategic dilemma facing South Korea and China.
Why China Should Get Behind THAAD in South Korea
By Tsuneo Watanabe
Accepting the deployment of the anti-ballistic missile system is in Beijing’s long-term interests.
How North Korea Helped Seal the Deal on THAAD
By Jin Kai
After North Korea's nuclear test, support for THAAD deployment is now the "politically correct" thing to do.
The Real Answer to China's THAAD Dilemma
By Paul Haenle and Anne Sherman
Retaliation against South Korea won't help. To stop THAAD, China must rethink its North Korea policy.