
China-Sri Lanka relations

India-China Tango Continues in Sri Lanka

India-China Tango Continues in Sri Lanka

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Once again, the pending visit of a Chinese research vessel to Sri Lanka has touched off Indian objections.

India’s Foreign Policy Progress in Sri Lanka is a Strategic Setback for China

India’s Foreign Policy Progress in Sri Lanka is a Strategic Setback for China

By Mark S. Cogan
Since an economic crisis hit the country last year, New Delhi has reminded Colombo who its real friends are.
Belt and Road Buddhism in Sri Lanka?

Belt and Road Buddhism in Sri Lanka?

By Tabita Rosendal
China is using Buddhist narratives to promote its soft power in Sri Lanka – and bolster its image as a harmonious regional power.

China’s Japanese-Inspired Project Approval Process in Sri Lanka

China’s Japanese-Inspired Project Approval Process in Sri Lanka

By Rathindra Kuruwita
The Japanese strategy allowed Chinese projects to be responsive to preferences of Sri Lankan leaders but paved the way for political capture, inflated costs and corruption.

India and China Engage in War of Words Over Sri Lanka

India and China Engage in War of Words Over Sri Lanka

By Sudha Ramachandran
The Yuan Wang 5’s docking at Hambantota Port continues to create ripples long after the ship left the island.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

India’s Irritation With China Grows 

India’s Irritation With China Grows 

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The Indian and Chinese diplomatic missions in Sri Lanka sparred on social media over the visit of a Chinese military research vessel to the island nation.

Is China to Blame for Sri Lanka’s Debt Woes?

Is China to Blame for Sri Lanka’s Debt Woes?

By Ivory Kairo
China's role in lending to Sri Lanka has expanded in the last 20 years, but fewer Chinese loans would not have saved the country from its current economic crisis.
India Strengthens Its Position in Sri Lanka Vis-à-Vis Rival China

India Strengthens Its Position in Sri Lanka Vis-à-Vis Rival China

By P.K. Balachandran
By offering support during Colombo’s economic collapse, India has widened its footprint in Sri Lanka after a decade of losing ground to China.

China, India, and Sri Lanka’s Unprecedented Economic Crisis

China, India, and Sri Lanka’s Unprecedented Economic Crisis

By Umesh Moramudali
Can China and India help Sri Lanka to avoid a sovereign default?

Is Sri Lanka Under Gotabaya Rajapaksa Really Tilting Toward China?

Is Sri Lanka Under Gotabaya Rajapaksa Really Tilting Toward China?

By Uditha Devapriya
Simplistic narratives fail to account for the complexities that have defined foreign policy in Sri Lanka since its independence.

China Fertilizer Spat Underlines Sri Lanka’s Struggles With International Trade Deals

China Fertilizer Spat Underlines Sri Lanka’s Struggles With International Trade Deals

By Rathindra Kuruwita
Sri Lanka has a lot to learn about entering agreements with  international companies – and the repercussions of violating them.
It’s Advantage China in the Indian Ocean

It’s Advantage China in the Indian Ocean

By Mohamed Zeeshan
Wang Yi’s visits to the Maldives and Sri Lanka signal Beijing’s priorities fairly clearly: it's focusing on South Asia and the Indian Ocean.

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