
Chinese diaspora

China’s Overseas Police Service Stations in the Middle East 

China’s Overseas Police Service Stations in the Middle East 

By Mordechai Chaziza
Chinese Overseas Police Service Stations are known to be present in Israel and the UAE. However, their specific locations, functions, and extent are shrouded in secrecy.

Why Are More and More Chinese Migrants Risking Their Lives to Cross the US Southern Border?

Why Are More and More Chinese Migrants Risking Their Lives to Cross the US Southern Border?

By Ting Zhang
Facing economic uncertainty and limited space for individual freedoms, a growing number of Chinese are seeking to migrate – even if it means a dangerous trek through Central America.
How to Resist China’s Campaign of Transnational Repression

How to Resist China’s Campaign of Transnational Repression

By Yana Gorokhovskaia and Angeli Datt
Democracies must take urgent action to protect exiled dissidents from the Chinese regime’s cross-border intimidation efforts.

Business Moguls and Chinese (Soft) Power: The ‘Huaren’ of Southeast Asia

Business Moguls and Chinese (Soft) Power: The ‘Huaren’ of Southeast Asia

By Laura Grunberg
China's rise has come with increased outreach to the diaspora in Southeast Asia - and at times increased headaches for ethnic Chinese.

A Beijing-Born Director Made Oscar History. Why Isn’t China Celebrating?

A Beijing-Born Director Made Oscar History. Why Isn’t China Celebrating?

By Jessie Lau
The case of Chloe Zhao represents the increasing pressures on ethnic Chinese creators abroad.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

A Global Campaign of Repression, Made in China

A Global Campaign of Repression, Made in China

By Nate Schenkkan and Sarah Cook
The Chinese government is the world’s leading perpetrator of attacks on dissidents abroad.

Demanding a Loyalty Test From Chinese Australians Will Backfire

Demanding a Loyalty Test From Chinese Australians Will Backfire

By Grant Wyeth
By targeting Chinese Australians for questioning about political loyalties, Australian politicians play right into the CCP’s hands.
Friends and Enemies: Making Sense of the CCP’s Overseas Political Interference

Friends and Enemies: Making Sense of the CCP’s Overseas Political Interference

By Ankit Panda
What are the ways in which the Chinese Communist Party seeks to protect its interests outside China’s borders?

How China’s ‘United Front’ Endangers Ethnic Chinese Abroad

How China’s ‘United Front’ Endangers Ethnic Chinese Abroad

By Chauncey Jung
Amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, China’s United Front Work Department is putting the Chinese diaspora in greater danger.

Fresh Kidnappings of Chinese Nationals in Nigeria

Fresh Kidnappings of Chinese Nationals in Nigeria

By Eleanor Albert
The latest kidnappings highlight security risks for Chinese expatriates in Nigeria. But so far, that hasn't slowed Chinese investment.

Melaka, Malaysia: Chinese History, Chinese Future?

Melaka, Malaysia: Chinese History, Chinese Future?

By Peter Ford
Kuala Lumpur may have concerns about the Belt and Road, but Chinese projects in Melaka are continuing apace.
The Trials and Tribulations of Britain's Chinese Community

The Trials and Tribulations of Britain's Chinese Community

By Daniel Alan Bey
Is Britain’s Chinese community finding its voice, or was it already there?

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