
Chinese disinformation campaign

Emulating Russia, China Is Improving Its Ability to Operate in the Gray Zone

Emulating Russia, China Is Improving Its Ability to Operate in the Gray Zone

By Colin P. Clarke
Chinese disinformation efforts have advanced far beyond mere troll farms and online bot armies recycling conspiracy theories on social media. 
Chinese Disinformation Operations: What Central and Eastern Europe Can Learn From Taiwan

Chinese Disinformation Operations: What Central and Eastern Europe Can Learn From Taiwan

By Alicja Bachulska and Lin Pu
The Taiwanese government and civil society’s tough, yet successful, battle against Chinese propaganda can be a lesson for democracies in the CEE region.

Beijing Is Getting Better at Disinformation on Global Social Media

Beijing Is Getting Better at Disinformation on Global Social Media

By Sarah Cook
Its networks are resisting takedown efforts and gaining traction among real users.

Australia Aims to Combat Disinformation

Australia Aims to Combat Disinformation

By Grant Wyeth
A new taskforce underlines Canberra’s efforts to push back again Chinese disinformation, in particular.

Welcome to the New Era of Chinese Government Disinformation

Welcome to the New Era of Chinese Government Disinformation

By Sarah Cook
The coronavirus fallout is hastening Beijing’s shift toward covert, Russian-style tactics.
Why China’s COVID-19 Disinformation Campaign Isn’t Working in Taiwan

Why China’s COVID-19 Disinformation Campaign Isn’t Working in Taiwan

By Yi-Ting Lien
Taiwan’s resiliency highlights the importance of its participation in global efforts to fight coronavirus misinformation.

What Does Taiwan’s Public Think About Election Interference From China?

What Does Taiwan’s Public Think About Election Interference From China?

By Timothy S. Rich, Madelynn Einhorn, Isabel Eliassen, Carolyn Brueggemann, and Alexandrea Pike-Goff
Polling shows Taiwanese interpret China's interference and disinformation campaigns through partisan lens.
What Taiwan’s Upcoming Elections Will Tell Us About Its Future

What Taiwan’s Upcoming Elections Will Tell Us About Its Future

By Nick Aspinwall
The vote is set to serve as a referendum on Tsai Ing-wen’s anti-China stance. Challengers are picking up steam.

Taiwan: The Frontline of the Disinformation Wars

Taiwan: The Frontline of the Disinformation Wars

By Nick Aspinwall
Shaken by a recent viral falsehood, Taiwan’s online ecosystem is repairing its democratic defense mechanisms.

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