
Chinese investment in Europe

Critical Infrastructure and Power Games in China-EU Relations

Critical Infrastructure and Power Games in China-EU Relations

By Mathieu Duchâtel
China’s investment in strategic infrastructure, though often overlooked, was a primary factor in the decline of China-EU relations.
China’s ‘Trojan Horse’ in the EU? It’s Not Just Hungary. 

China’s ‘Trojan Horse’ in the EU? It’s Not Just Hungary. 

By Dominika Remžová
Germany – specifically, its automotive industry – is Europe’s true Achilles heel when it comes to China policy.

China’s Investment in the Balkans: A Decade of Discontent

China’s Investment in the Balkans: A Decade of Discontent

By Nils Resare and Wawa Wang
Chinese investments into the Western Balkans have left a trail of public outcry and legal battles, revealing a region grappling with the complexities of economic development and foreign influence. 

Is China Facilitating Corrosive Capital in Serbia?

Is China Facilitating Corrosive Capital in Serbia?

By Stefan Vladisavljev
In Serbia, Chinese financing and democratic backsliding have forged a mutually reinforcing relationship.

China, Lawfare, and the Contest for Control of Low Earth Orbit

China, Lawfare, and the Contest for Control of Low Earth Orbit

By Glenn Chafetz and Xavier Ortiz
The Chinese government seeks strategic advantage in space through attacks on the Western private sector.
How the EU’s Security Approach Affects China-Europe Relations

How the EU’s Security Approach Affects China-Europe Relations

By Dingding Chen and Yingfan Chen
Whether in Germany or the EU as a whole, expanded concepts of security are threatening economic exchanges with China. 

China’s FDI In Europe

China’s FDI In Europe

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Max J. Zenglein.
Chinese Investment in Europe Is Changing

Chinese Investment in Europe Is Changing

By Gabriele Manca
Chinese companies are investing less in Europe, but they are raising the bar for the investments that are being made.

Europe’s Response to China’s Quest for Technology

Europe’s Response to China’s Quest for Technology

By Ivana Karásková, Veronika Blablová, and Filip Šebok
The CCP has been funding scientific research across Europe, even in regions often dismissed as unimportant for China’s science and technology ambitions.

Europe Faces the Tricky Task of Policing Chinese Investments

Europe Faces the Tricky Task of Policing Chinese Investments

By Bruce Shen
The Chinese acquisition of the U.K.’s largest chip maker underlines the difficulty of implementing investment screenings.

Think the EU Isn’t Acting on China? Look Closer.

Think the EU Isn’t Acting on China? Look Closer.

By Laurens Hemminga
Understanding how the EU is responding to China’s rise requires understanding how the organization actually works.
China Is Changing Serbia From the Inside

China Is Changing Serbia From the Inside

By Wawa Wang and Nils Resare
The gradual weakening of legal requirements for Chinese investments in Serbia is of real concern.

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