
Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)

Nepal’s Democracy in Crisis

Nepal’s Democracy in Crisis

By Peter Gill
With the prime minister's unilateral move to dissolve Parliament last December, Nepal was thrown into political chaos - with its democracy hanging in the balance.

Thousands Demand Ouster of Nepal Leader as Party Feud Grows

Thousands Demand Ouster of Nepal Leader as Party Feud Grows

By Associated Press
Prime Minister K.P. Oli's controversial decision to dismiss Parliament cracked open a rift within the ruling Nepal Communist Party.
China Wades Into Nepal’s Political Crisis

China Wades Into Nepal’s Political Crisis

By Sudha Ramachandran
With the Nepal Communist Party cracking apart, Beijing is scrambling to preserve its interests.

Why the Nepal Communist Party Must Not Split

Why the Nepal Communist Party Must Not Split

By Pradip Adhikari
A split in the NCP would be bad for the factions involved as well as the country writ large.

Can Nepal Find Political Stability?

Can Nepal Find Political Stability?

By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
As Nepal gears up for parliamentary elections, its citizens want two things: stability and development.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Nepal Set for 3-Way Competition in Upcoming Legislative Elections

Nepal Set for 3-Way Competition in Upcoming Legislative Elections

By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
A surprise alliance between Nepal's two main communist parties has China excited and India dismayed.

Nepal: Elections at the Epicenter

Nepal: Elections at the Epicenter

By Peter Gill
Two years after major earthquakes rocked the country, a Nepali family makes a 30-hour journey to cast their ballots.
An Uphill Climb for Nepal’s Prachanda

An Uphill Climb for Nepal’s Prachanda

By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Nepal's new prime minister faces a host of internal and external challenges.

Nepal’s Unending Political Instability

Nepal’s Unending Political Instability

By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Nepal’s power tussle is overshadowing pressing national issues.

Nepal's New Constitution: 65 Years in the Making

Nepal's New Constitution: 65 Years in the Making

By Hari Phuyal
Nepal's new constitution passed on September 16. What will the new Nepal look like?

Nepal’s Political Deadlock

Nepal’s Political Deadlock

By Michael Vurens van Es
The possibility of forging consensus on key constitutional issues looks increasingly dismal.
Justice for Nepal’s War-Era Victims?

Justice for Nepal’s War-Era Victims?

By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Nepal struggles to form a mechanism that would deal with cases of wartime human rights violations.

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