cricket in Afghanistan

Afghan Women’s Cricket Team Makes Their Debut – in Melbourne
By Bianca Roberts and Ciaran O’Mahony
The first match by the Afghan women’s cricket team is placing the Taliban under additional diplomatic pressure.

The Incredible Success, and Hope, of Afghanistan’s Cricket Team
By Grant Wyeth
The team’s rise is extraordinary given the chaos embroiling Afghanistan over the past four and a half decades. Cricket represents a rare spot of hope for a troubled country.

Sports Amid Chaos in Afghanistan
By Sajad Jatoi
During its first period of rule the Taliban banned sports, even cricket. Will they view sports differently this time around?

Afghanistan and India's Cricket Diplomacy
By Grant Wyeth
What a recent Test Match tells us about Afghan-Indian relations.

Afghans Yearn for New Icons
By Sanjay Kumar
Afghanistan's youth turn to the national cricket team for a new source of inspiration.

How Cricket Reveals Geopolitical Fault Lines in Afghanistan
By Sanjay Kumar
Afghan support for India in the Cricket World Cup reflects the political triangle between Kabul, New Delhi, and Islamabad.

Cricket in Afghanistan
By Grant Wyeth
Since 2001, the sport has taken off in Afghanistan, which is enjoying some impressive success.
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