
Cross-Strait Relations

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Invite to President Tsai From US Senators Met With Cautious Skepticism in Taiwan

Invite to President Tsai From US Senators Met With Cautious Skepticism in Taiwan

By Nick Aspinwall
Prominent observers and scholars are worried now is not the time to push for a radical paradigm shift in the unofficial U.S.-Taiwan relationship.
Invite President Tsai Before Congress? Not a Wise Move.

Invite President Tsai Before Congress? Not a Wise Move.

By Dennis V. Hickey
The risks for Taiwan and the U.S. far outweigh the benefits.

Why Speaker Pelosi Should Invite President Tsai Ing-wen Before Congress

Why Speaker Pelosi Should Invite President Tsai Ing-wen Before Congress

By Gerrit van der Wees
And why that invitation should signal a US policy change toward normalization.

Taiwan Grants Entry to Chinese Asylum Seekers But Questions Surround Its Refugee Policy

Taiwan Grants Entry to Chinese Asylum Seekers But Questions Surround Its Refugee Policy

By Nick Aspinwall
The two Chinese asylum seekers spent 125 days in limbo, highlighting issues in Taiwan's approach to refugees.

China Flies Aircraft Close to Taiwan After Taiwan Launches Live-Fire Drills

China Flies Aircraft Close to Taiwan After Taiwan Launches Live-Fire Drills

By Nick Aspinwall
The moves come shortly after Xi told Chinese troops to prepare for war, kicking off a potentially volatile 2019.
Is This the End of the ‘1992 Consensus’?

Is This the End of the ‘1992 Consensus’?

By Gary Sands
Tsai Ing-wen is promoting her alternative 'Taiwan consensus,' but the KMT remains committed to the 1992 consensus.

Was It Wise for Tsai Ing-wen to Reject the ‘1992 Consensus’ Publicly?

Was It Wise for Tsai Ing-wen to Reject the ‘1992 Consensus’ Publicly?

By Charlotte Gao
Taipei has to face the fact that it does not have much leverage to resist Beijing’s pressure now.
How President Xi Jinping Is Misreading Taiwan

How President Xi Jinping Is Misreading Taiwan

By Gerrit van der Wees
Xi's January 2 remarks betrayed three fundamental misunderstandings of the Taiwan situation.

Xi Says Taiwan ‘Must’ Unify With China as Tsai Unveils Her Own ‘Four Musts’

Xi Says Taiwan ‘Must’ Unify With China as Tsai Unveils Her Own ‘Four Musts’

By Nick Aspinwall
The leaders of China and Taiwan just presented starkly divergent paths to improving cross-strait relations.

Taipei-Shanghai Forum Puts Ko Wen-je’s China Views Into Focus

Taipei-Shanghai Forum Puts Ko Wen-je’s China Views Into Focus

By Nick Aspinwall
City-to-city cross-strait exchanges circumvent the national DPP and appear to be popular among Taiwan’s incoming mayors.

Taiwan Elections: Impact on US-China Relations

Taiwan Elections: Impact on US-China Relations

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Elizabeth Freund Larus.
The China Factor in Taiwan’s Local Elections

The China Factor in Taiwan’s Local Elections

By Michelle Tsai
The ruling DPP’s defeat may offer China opportunities ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

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