
Cross-Strait Relations

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Satellite Imagery: China Staging Mock Invasion of Taiwan?

Satellite Imagery: China Staging Mock Invasion of Taiwan?

By Victor Robert Lee
Images from an Inner Mongolia training base show what looks like a replica of central Taipei.
The Taiwan Problem: If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It

The Taiwan Problem: If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It

By Noah Lingwall
A grand bargain between the U.S. and China over Taiwan seems an ill-conceived idea.

Two Myths About Taiwan’s DPP That Need to Be Laid to Rest

Two Myths About Taiwan’s DPP That Need to Be Laid to Rest

By J. Michael Cole
The DPP will not ruin cross-strait relations, and it isn't manipulating popular protests from behind the scenes.

Time to Review US Policy on Taiwan?

Time to Review US Policy on Taiwan?

By Dennis V. Hickey
The world has changed. It is time for a thoughtful debate on U.S. defense ties with Taiwan.

China-Taiwan Relations: Hardly a Crisis

China-Taiwan Relations: Hardly a Crisis

By DD Wu
Cross-Strait relations have improved markedly, and elections in Taiwan need not reverse that.
Better Get Used to it, China: Taiwan and Japan Will Get Closer

Better Get Used to it, China: Taiwan and Japan Will Get Closer

By J. Michael Cole
Geopolitical context and domestic sentiments mean Tokyo and Taipei are likely to draw closer together.

Taiwan's Former President Causes Controversy in Japan

Taiwan's Former President Causes Controversy in Japan

By Shannon Tiezzi
Lee Teng-hui causes a stir by repeating his view that the Senkakus belong to Japan.
Taiwan's Modernity and the 2016 Elections

Taiwan's Modernity and the 2016 Elections

By Kerry Brown
The modernity of Taiwan's politics contrasts sharply with mainland China's system.

Chinese PLA Simulates ‘Attack’ on Taiwan’s Presidential Office

Chinese PLA Simulates ‘Attack’ on Taiwan’s Presidential Office

By J. Michael Cole
Why did CCTV show footage of PLA soldiers storming a computer-generated facsimile of Taiwan's seat of government?

The Challenging Road for Taiwan’s Newest Presidential Candidate

The Challenging Road for Taiwan’s Newest Presidential Candidate

By Ricky Yeh
KMT candidate Hung Hsiu-chu faces an uphill battle, thanks to a controversial approach to cross-strait relations.

Beijing’s Games in the Taiwan Strait

Beijing’s Games in the Taiwan Strait

By Jakub Piasecki
Tensions rise as Taipei protests Beijing’s new national security law in the run-up to Taiwan’s 2016 election.
Taiwan, the Final Piece of the Rebalance?

Taiwan, the Final Piece of the Rebalance?

By Shang-Su Wu
Seemingly in the background of U.S. Asia policy of late, Taiwan retains immense strategic significance.

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