culture in Central Asia

Hats, Carpets, and Dances: Bits of Central Asia’s Intangible Culture Added to UNESCO List
By Catherine Putz
Uzbekistan's Khorazm dance, Kyrgyzstan's kalpak, and Turkmenistan's carpets all notched spots on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List

Girl and the Nation: Central Asia’s Gendered Quest for National Identity
By Colleen Wood
The violent response to Zere Asylbek kyzy’ art reflects gendered expectations about women embodying the nation in Central Asia.

Hijab Hubbub: Tajikistan Sets Up Commission to Combat 'Alien' Clothing
By Catherine Putz
The commission will be taking “Tajik traditions” and “modern” life into consideration in promoting "appropriate" clothing.

Tajikistan and Central Asia's Culture Wars
By Catherine Putz
There’s no unweaving history’s tapestry in Central Asia.

Kyrgyzstan Bans Pornographic and Violent Movies
By Catherine Putz
Pornography may be the headline item, but the list of prohibited topics is huge, including regime change and violence.
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