
TikTok in the Age of Decoupling
By Nico Han
While the ban seems inevitable amid deepening distrust, removal of TikTok from the U.S. market will not solve the disinformation problem.

The Broadening Strategy of U.S. Technological Restrictions on China
By Yingfan CHEN, Hamilton CHEN, and Dingding CHEN
The Biden administration's restrictions can be said to have shifted from “small yard, high fence” to “large yard, low fence.”

The De-risking Push Misunderstands China’s Manufacturing Strengths
By Xiaofeng Wang
China dominates the manufacturing of intermediate goods – so even if a finished product is made elsewhere, it almost certainly includes “Made in China” components.

Beyond Rhetoric: The Tangible Impact of China-US Decoupling
By Gabriele Manca
From trade data to investment, economic statistics are starting to reflect the emphasis on curtailing dependencies.

Can IPEF Protect Corporate Supply Chains?
An IPEF agreement notwithstanding, companies in the Indo-Pacific will still be at risk of disruptions to their supply networks.

The Political Hazards of Economic Decoupling From China
By Max Abbott
Southeast Asian nations are promising candidates for firms seeking to relocate manufacturing operations from China, but investors need to be prepared for the risks.

Andrew Small on the Origins of ‘China’s War With the West’
By Shannon Tiezzi
Small traces the downward trajectory of China’s relationships with the United States and EU countries.

Deception Is Key to Chinese Military Strategies
By Aaron Jensen
Despite the long tradition of valuing deception by Chinese military leaders, few studies on Chinese military power touch on the issue.

US-China Decoupling and Vulnerabilities in the American Defense Industrial Base
By Robert Farley
Decoupling from China may result in a shock to the U.S. defense industrial base.

US North Korea Policy After the Olympics
By James J. Przystup
A closer look at Washington’s policy options after the likely expiry of the Winter Olympic truce.

China and South Korea: Examining the Resolution of the THAAD Impasse
By Ankit Panda
THAAD will remain in South Korea, but Beijing secures important assurances from Seoul.

The Case Against Nukes in South Korea
By Bruce Klingner
Nuclear weapons aren't a solution to growing South Korean doubts about U.S. resolve and commitment.
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