
defense technology

At SLD 2023, ASEAN Defense Officials Must Tackle Tech Issues

At SLD 2023, ASEAN Defense Officials Must Tackle Tech Issues

By Muhammad Faizal bin Abdul Rahman
The Shangri-La Dialogue 2023 provides an opportunity for ASEAN to seriously consider the impact of cyber and emerging technologies on defense.
AI Defeats Human Pilot in DARPA Organized Dogfight

AI Defeats Human Pilot in DARPA Organized Dogfight

By Abhijnan Rej
The performance of the artificial intelligence program marks an important but modest milestone.

Patents for Power: Defense Technology and Intellectual Property Law

Patents for Power: Defense Technology and Intellectual Property Law

By Ankit Panda
Robert Farley discusses the intersection of defense technology and intellectual property law.

Can the US Practice Knowledge Statecraft Again?

Can the US Practice Knowledge Statecraft Again?

By Robert Farley
Knowledge statecraft, technology sharing, and intellectual property are are intertwined.

What Lies Ahead for South Korea’s Strategic Diversification Efforts?

What Lies Ahead for South Korea’s Strategic Diversification Efforts?

By Robert Farley
South Korean divestment from China is precisely what the Trump administration would like to see.
Is China Pulling Off Its Own ’Offset’ Strategy?

Is China Pulling Off Its Own ’Offset’ Strategy?

By Robert Farley
If China has an offset strategy of its own, what’s it about?

From the Dreadnought to Modern Stealth: Seeking Military Technological Superiority

From the Dreadnought to Modern Stealth: Seeking Military Technological Superiority

By Robert Farley
Which military technologies are the most difficult to master for would-be U.S. competitors?
100 Years on From World War I: Lessons on Great Power Competition in East Asia

100 Years on From World War I: Lessons on Great Power Competition in East Asia

By Robert Farley
It's best to avoid repeating the mistakes made in the past.

Japan Launches First Lithium-Ion Equipped Soryu-class Submarine

Japan Launches First Lithium-Ion Equipped Soryu-class Submarine

By Ankit Panda
JS Oryu is the first Japanese disel-electric submarine to feature lithium-ion battery technology.

COMCASA and the Future of India's Defense Industrial Base

COMCASA and the Future of India's Defense Industrial Base

By Robert Farley
Greater U.S.-India defense integration is expected to continue.

Robotics Diplomacy and the US-Japan Alliance

Robotics Diplomacy and the US-Japan Alliance

By James Schoff
Both the US and Japan are seeking help from private industry to advance high-tech innovation on robotics.
Without Foreign Military Tech, Where Would China's Military Be?

Without Foreign Military Tech, Where Would China's Military Be?

By Robert Farley
The overwhelming majority of Chinese technology depends on systems acquired from foreign producers.

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