
Democracy in China

Wukan Stirs Again

Wukan Stirs Again

By Cal Wong
China's most famous democratically elected official gives a televised confession while constituents protest his arrest.
Chinese Democracy: Is This How the 'Wukan Moment' Finally Ends?

Chinese Democracy: Is This How the 'Wukan Moment' Finally Ends?

By Ankit Panda
Wukan, famous for a 2011 uprising, rises up to reclaim its elected local party official. How will this end?

 ‘Chinese Capillary Democracy:’ Can Western Democracies Learn From China?

‘Chinese Capillary Democracy:’ Can Western Democracies Learn From China?

By Patrik K. Meyer
Why the Chinese government is by and for the people.

Is Beijing In Danger of Losing ‘Hong Kong’?

By Bo Zhiyue
It may be the case that Hong Kong will end up more like Taiwan than Taiwan like Hong Kong.

Time to Bust This Myth: The United States Didn't Modernize China

Time to Bust This Myth: The United States Didn't Modernize China

By Dingding Chen
Both countries benefited tremendously from their close economic ties.
As You Watch Hong Kong, Remember Wukan

As You Watch Hong Kong, Remember Wukan

By Ankit Panda
The outcome of Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution is more likely to resemble Wukan than Tiananmen.

China: Wealth and Democracy

China: Wealth and Democracy

By Christopher Ernest Barber
Will Western levels of income mean that China adopts Western models of democracy?
Taiwanese Intelligence Accused of Meddling in Hong Kong

Taiwanese Intelligence Accused of Meddling in Hong Kong

By J. Michael Cole
Beijing accused Taiwan of seeking to create “chaos” in the territory to discredit the one country, two systems formula.

The Battle for Democracy in Hong Kong

The Battle for Democracy in Hong Kong

By Kerry Brown
Bringing democracy to Hong Kong will help solve its local problems as well as have a positive impact on the mainland.

One Country, Two Systems: Human Rights in Hong Kong

One Country, Two Systems: Human Rights in Hong Kong

Beijing has said Hong Kong can directly elect its leaders from 2017. Will they hold to the promise?

The Xinjiang Perspective: Part III

The Xinjiang Perspective: Part III

Graham Adams reports from Xinjiang on the discrimination Uyghurs face in the education system.

The Wukan Effect

The Wukan Effect

The uprising in Wukan, and the government’s response, appears to have been more the exception than the rule.

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