
Amid Hostage Crisis, Japan's Diet Prepares to Debate New Security Legislation
By Mina Pollmann
Shinzo Abe and the LDP plan to submit security legislation for approval during this session of Japan's Diet.

Under New President, Japan's Opposition DPJ Seeks a Fresh Start
By Mina Pollmann
New DPJ leader Katsuya Okada faces an uphill task: making Japan's main opposition party credible again.

It's Official: Japan Will Hold a Snap Election
By Ankit Panda
Shinzo Abe has dissolved the lower house of Japan's Diet. Japan will head to the polls again on December 14, 2014.

Shinzo Abe's Approval Rating Dips Below 50 Percent
By Ankit Panda
Following a slowdown in Abenomics' success and the collective self-defense resolution, Abe's approval falls.

Japan Opposition Leader Meets With Chinese Officials
By Shannon Tiezzi
Banri Kaieda, head of Japan's DJP, is in China hoping to repair ties between Tokyo and Beijing.

Japanese Opposition Continues to Fracture
By Clint Richards
Can Japan’s small, fractured opposition find the ability to coordinate on hot-button issues?

Reshuffling Japan’s Opposition
By Clint Richards
More parties are splitting and merging, but none seem able to challenge the LDP.

Japan Opposition Party Leader Backs 'Limited' Collective Defense Proposal
By Ankit Panda
The DPJ's Former Vice Defense Minister Akihisa Nagashima supports the LDP's collective defense proposal.

Abe Reassures After Election Victory
Shinzo Abe gets the Upper House victory he wanted, and then moves to reassure voters as to his intentions.

Japan’s Upper House Election
As campaigning gets underway for this month’s Upper House election in Japan, Shinzo Abe’s ruling LDP appears well placed.

Japan’s Future in the Balance
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has a chance to rescue Japan’s economy with a key free trade agreement. Failure to seize it could result in terminal decline.

Japan Tries (Yet) Again
Yoshihiko Noda takes office at the most crucial time for Japan in half a century, says Michael Auslin. But with lacklustre public support, he has his work cut out.