East China Sea

Meet China's East China Sea Drones
By Ankit Panda
Satellite imagery analysis confirms that Chinese BZK-005 drones are operating in the East China Sea.

What's Missing from China and Japan's East China Sea Crisis Management Framework?
By Ankit Panda
Japan and China will agree to exclude territorial waters and airspace from their maritime crisis management mechanism.

Are Chinese Drones Heading to the East China Sea?
By Ankit Panda
East China Sea, South China Sea, and history. Links to start your week.

China’s Maritime Disputes: Trouble to the South, but the East Stays Quiet
By Andi Zhou
Tensions are rising in the South China Sea — so why is the East China Sea so calm?

Abe Heads to G-7 with South China Sea, Asian Security on his Mind
By Ankit Panda
At the meeting of G-7 leaders in Germany, Shinzo Abe will speak on Asian security.

Security Integration in the Asia-Pacific
By Yuxin A. Zhang
What prevents closer security ties in East Asia? A lot.

The United States Shouldn't Invite China to RIMPAC 2016 (With a Catch)
By Ankit Panda
Washington should start imposing costs on Beijing for its behavior.
Improving Order in the East China Sea
By Erik French
A stronger Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea is vital for avoiding the threat posed by interstate incidents at sea.

Japan Launches Its Largest Post-World War II Warship
By Ankit Panda
Plus, a new Chinese sub design, North Korean chemical weapons, an Indian naval accident and more. Defense links.

Japan-China Maritime Crisis Management Talks Are On the Horizon
By Ankit Panda
Chinese and Japanese officials will meet in Singapore in May to further discuss a maritime crisis management mechanism.

For First Time in 4 Years, China and Japan to Hold Security Talks
By Ankit Panda
Senior Chinese and Japanese officials will meet later this month for a security dialogue.

Does Asia Need a New Maritime Organization Beyond ASEAN?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Some are calling for a new institution to manage Asia’s maritime disputes.