
East Timor

Japan Should Support Timor-Leste’s ASEAN Bid

Japan Should Support Timor-Leste’s ASEAN Bid

As one Asian democracy to another.
Does Timor-Leste’s Upcoming Election Herald a More Inclusive and Progressive Democracy?

Does Timor-Leste’s Upcoming Election Herald a More Inclusive and Progressive Democracy?

By Li-Li Chen
Next week's election will feature more female candidates than ever, but their impact on the country's patriarchal cultural norms remains to be seen.

Court Lifts Secrecy in Alleged Australian Espionage Trial

Court Lifts Secrecy in Alleged Australian Espionage Trial

By Rod McGuirk
An Australian spy’s lawyer stands accused of conspiring with his client to communicate information to East Timor about an espionage operation.

What’s Next for Timor-Leste’s Politics?

What’s Next for Timor-Leste’s Politics?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Even if a new government does take office soon, the country faces some significant challenges ahead.

Timor-Leste: Between Dreadful Past and Hopeful Future

Timor-Leste: Between Dreadful Past and Hopeful Future

By Luke Hunt
20 years after the holding of a UN-backed referendum, there remains much work to do in Timor-Leste.
What’s Next for Timor-Leste’s Economy?

What’s Next for Timor-Leste’s Economy?

By David Hutt
The country’s state budget has spotlighted how it is dealing with some of the opportunities and challenges in its economic development.

Timor-Leste Remembers Indonesia’s Slain Human Rights Hero

Timor-Leste Remembers Indonesia’s Slain Human Rights Hero

By Bikash Kumar Bhattacharya
Timorese victims of Indonesian occupation speak of murdered human rights defender Munir Said Thalib.
One New Way to Boost Timor-Leste's Economy

One New Way to Boost Timor-Leste's Economy

By David Hutt
With the appointment of a new premier, the country should look at the policy as an option for managing its economy.

Timor-Leste: The Challenges of Democracy and Development

Timor-Leste: The Challenges of Democracy and Development

By Jonas Guterres
Timor-Leste needs to exemplify in practice the values preached by its leaders to international audiences.

A New Era of Political Coalitions in Timor-Leste?

A New Era of Political Coalitions in Timor-Leste?

By David Hutt
A look at the state of the country’s politics ahead of upcoming elections.

What’s Next for Timor-Leste’s Greater Sunrise?

What’s Next for Timor-Leste’s Greater Sunrise?

By Clive Schofield and Bec Strating
Leaders will have to confront some sobering realities to ensure timely development occurs.
Timor-Leste Gets Needed Boost in New Border Deal With Australia

Timor-Leste Gets Needed Boost in New Border Deal With Australia

By Luke Hunt
The agreement could have immense significance for the country's future given its present challenges.

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