Edward Snowden

Hagel: Pentagon 'Will Maintain Approach of Restraint' in Cyberspace
By Shannon Tiezzi
Hagel's remarks supporting the National Security Agency will do little to ease international tensions over cyber-space.

China Decries US 'Hypocrisy' on Cyber-Espionage
By Shannon Tiezzi
China has seized upon reports of NSA hacking against Huawei to denounce U.S. hypocrisy in cyber issues.

US Firm Under Investigation For Using Made-in-China Parts in F-35 Components
By Ankit Panda
Also, Chinese military planning changes, a U.S.-South Korean military deal, and Edward Snowden in India. Mid-week links.

Why Snowden’s Revelations Were A Win For China
By Shannon Tiezzi
Snowden's revelations about U.S. cyber-espionage have benefited China economically and politically.

Are Snowden’s Revelations Russia and China’s Poison Pill?
By Robert Garrett
The two countries may find it difficult to handle any data they have acquired.

Yes, Edward Snowden Is a Traitor
By Zachary Keck
Despite the events of this week, it is beyond dispute that Snowden is guilty of treason.

The US and China's Common Interest: Cyber Spying
By Shannon Tiezzi
U.S. and China have very similar ideas on cyberspace — anything goes.

Indonesia and Australia: Deteriorating Diplomacy
Revelations of Australian espionage have exacerbated an already prickly relationship.

Will Indonesia Rip Up Their Defense Treaty With Australia?
Snowden’s leaks could reshape Asia-Pacific security if Indonesia and Australia remain estranged

Iran Says NSA Spying Vindicates 1979 Embassy Takeover
Iran’s leaders say NSA spying vindicates Iranian students’ actions during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis.

Outrage Over NSA Spying Spreads to Asia
More information about the NSA’s operations in Asia has come to light, sparking widespread outrage.

US-German Relations: The View From Berlin
Revelations that the U.S. was spying on Angela Merkel could have long-lasting repercussions.