

China’s Chilling Anti-Espionage Law

China’s Chilling Anti-Espionage Law

The extraterritorial application of the law could infringe on constitutionally guaranteed rights.

South Korean Detained Earlier This Year Is Accused of Espionage in Russia

South Korean Detained Earlier This Year Is Accused of Espionage in Russia

By Associated Press
The Russian state-run news agency TASS reported that a South Korean arrested in Vladivostok earlier this year has been taken to Moscow and charged with espionage.
Why China’s Technology Theft Poses a Bigger Challenge Than That of the Soviet Union

Why China’s Technology Theft Poses a Bigger Challenge Than That of the Soviet Union

By Robert Farley
China can better incorporate what it takes to “catch up.”

Former US Defense Intelligence Agency Officer Pleads Guilty to Attempted Espionage

Former US Defense Intelligence Agency Officer Pleads Guilty to Attempted Espionage

By Ankit Panda
A former U.S. military intelligence officer has plead guilty to attempted espionage charges.

The Huawei Dilemma: Insecurity and Mistrust

The Huawei Dilemma: Insecurity and Mistrust

By Roncevert Ganan Almond
Telecommunications networks are a strategic asset, and a vulnerable one.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The Strategic Consequences of a US-China Rift on Intellectual Property

The Strategic Consequences of a US-China Rift on Intellectual Property

By Robert Farley
Does it even matter if China updates its intellectual property regime?

Former US Defense Intelligence Agency Officer Arrested, Charged With Attempted Espionage for China

Former US Defense Intelligence Agency Officer Arrested, Charged With Attempted Espionage for China

By Ankit Panda
The U.S. Department of Justice has charged a former U.S. intelligence officer with attempted espionage.
Former CIA Officer Arrested for Retaining Classified Information, Suspected of Revealing China-Based CIA Assets

Former CIA Officer Arrested for Retaining Classified Information, Suspected of Revealing China-Based CIA Assets

By Ankit Panda
A former CIA official has been charged with retaining information on China-based intelligence assets.

What Does the Latest F-35 Data Breach Teach Us About Defense Industrial Espionage?

What Does the Latest F-35 Data Breach Teach Us About Defense Industrial Espionage?

By Robert Farley
Autarky has its merits. If partners don't have your unclassified data, it can't be taken from them.

US Government Agent Charged With Giving China Classified Documents

US Government Agent Charged With Giving China Classified Documents

By Ankit Panda
Kevin Mallory is facing charges for selling highly classified U.S. documents to Chinese intelligence agents.

Failed North Korean Missile Tests: Faulty Engineering or a Covert US Offensive Plan?

Failed North Korean Missile Tests: Faulty Engineering or a Covert US Offensive Plan?

By Alexis Lavi and Matthew Flug
What would the United States need to credibly attack North Korean missile development by cyber means?
An Alleged Spy Sentenced to Death Rocks India-Pakistan Relations

An Alleged Spy Sentenced to Death Rocks India-Pakistan Relations

By Ankit Panda
Kulbhushan Jadhav's sentencing by a Pakistani military court brings India-Pakistan ties to the brink.

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