Falkland Islands
The UK Factor in India-Argentina Defense Relations
By Rahul Wankhede
China’s Relationship With Argentina Goes Far Beyond the Falklands/Malvinas Dispute
By Osaru Omosigho
Four Lessons of the Falklands War
“The war could have turned out much differently. Had Argentine ordnance performed better, Thatcher might have been thrown out of power.”
What do the Falklands and First Gulf War Have in Common?
That the U.S. may have inadvertently helped convince the leaders of Argentina and Iraq to pursue war…
Time for a Fresh Start with Taiwan
Britain should rethink its support for the one-China policy, argues Lord Richard Faulkner. China should drop its claims to the island.
China’s Falkland Islands Lesson
The 1982 Falklands War and the growing tensions now could be instructive for Chinese naval strategists.
China’s Falkland Islands Lesson
The 1982 Falklands War and the growing tensions now could be instructive for Chinese naval strategists.
Obama’s Falklands Failure
America’s failure to clearly back Britain in its current diplomatic row with Argentina over the Falkland Islands risks sending the wrong message to U.S. allies in Asia.