
Envisioning the Asia-Pacific’s Feminist Future
By Catherine Putz
The sheer diversity of feminist movements across the Asia and Pacific weaves into a singular tapestry telling a story of solidarity, striving, and dreaming of a better future.

Australia and the Geopolitics of Birthrates
By Grant Wyeth
The social policies of its partners are not something Canberra would ever directly comment on, but they matter for Australian foreign policy anyway.

Central Asia’s FemAgora Festival Embraces Cyberfeminism
By Colleen Wood
In its fourth year, the FemAgora festival adopts an unabashed cyberfeminist approach to activism.

Feminist Festival Kicks Off in Central Asia
By Paolo Sorbello
The third edition of the FemAgora Central Asia festival began with online video conferences this year, as activists find new and original ways to create networks

Girl and the Nation: Central Asia’s Gendered Quest for National Identity
By Colleen Wood
The violent response to Zere Asylbek kyzy’ art reflects gendered expectations about women embodying the nation in Central Asia.

Love in the Time of Patriarchy: 'Love Jihad' in India
By Priyanka Borpujari
The murder of 23-year-old photographer Ankit Saxena reveals India’s dirty underbelly of religious and caste intolerance.

#MeToo and #HimToo Come to India
By Priyanka Borpujari
India's feminists are divided in the wake of a global phenomenon aimed at serial sexual harassers.

Keeping the Faith: Afghan Women Need Continued International Support
By Catherine Putz
Women’s lives remain difficult in Afghanistan; security and corruption stand as major impediments to progress.

Fighting Menstruation Stigma in Myanmar
By Poppy McPherson
In Yangon, artist Ma Ei has turned her period into a 3-day piece of performance art.

The Rise of Buddhist Feminism?
By Hanna Hindstrom (text) & Ye Tike (images)
A few Thai women are defying conservative Buddhist tradition to reinstate an ancient order.

India: Newly Released Guns For Women Do More Harm Than Good
By Ram Mashru
A handgun isn't the right way to prevent violence against women in India.
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